

flash cards on micro-organisms
Adventurous Cousins
FlashCards por Adventurous Cousins, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adventurous Cousins
Criado por Adventurous Cousins mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What Micro-organism is this? -It's a Unicellular Organism -Lives in air, water, and soil. - simple in structure Bacteria
What Micro-organism is this? - it is a unicellular organism -it has chloroplasts and has a cell wall but isn't a plant because it doesn't have roots, and leaves. Algae
What Micro-organism is this? - It can be both unicellular and multi-cellular -they are plant like however chloroplasts aren't present. -They get food from plant and animal waste Fungi
What Micro-organism is this? -It is unicellular -Live in fresh or salt water - can be parasitic (find food by feeding on other organisms) Protozoa
What Micro-organism is this? - use's and manipulates host's DNA to live. Virus
What Micro-organism is this? - Special bacteria that can grow in extreme temperatures or extreme salinity - they are prokaryotic. Archaea


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