Study at home do's and don'ts


Dos and don'ts of studying from home.
Josh Sharpe
FlashCards por Josh Sharpe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josh Sharpe
Criado por Josh Sharpe mais de 4 anos atrás

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Study at home do's and don'ts Read the description on the front of the flashcard and guess whether it describes a study at home do or don't. Let's get started!
Studying in your pyjamas ?
Studying on the sofa ?
Washing your face and getting dressed in the mornings ?
Doing all your tasks quickly to finish as soon as possible ?
Not asking questions ?
Taking breaks every 2-3 hours ?
Taking a 1h lunch break. Having lunch and relaxing for a while afterwards ?
Studying in bed ?
Studying in the living room while other people watch TV ?
Studying on a desk with no distractions ?
Checking your messages and social media every few minutes ?
Not having a timetable ?
Getting up every now an then to stretch ?
Studying while watching a movie in the background and having some food ?
Having a physical exercise routine that you can do from your desk ?
Listening to quiet music while studying ?
Not taking distance learning seriously ?


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