Biology 12 -


Good firm refresher of Biology if you need to go back over the "basics".
FlashCards por jolenematthias, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jolenematthias mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Deoxyribose and how does it control and serve D.N.A? ~Deoxyribose is a 5 carbon Monosacaride ~It is found in the cells of living organizms ~D.N.A is made up of 2 chains of nucleotides that bond together ~ It carries genetic information ~D.N.A is a polymer of repeating units of nucleotides
What is the difference between Deoxyribose and Ribose? They both contain 5 carbon sugars BUT... Ribose: A hydroxyl ( hydrogen-oxygen) molecule is attached to 3 carbons Deoxyribose: One of the carbons in deoxy rings missing an oxygen and has only a hydrogen instead. *The missing oxygen is the differentiating factor*
The Biochemistry term "Saccharide" Includes Sugars, Starch and Cellulose. However, they are also divided into 4 chemical groups, what are they? 1.) Monosaccharides 2.)Disaccharides 3.) Oligosaccharides 4.)Polysaccharides


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