Possessive Pronoun


English - 4º Ano Possessive Pronoun
Fernando Portilho
FlashCards por Fernando Portilho, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Fernando Portilho
Criado por Fernando Portilho quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Use hers - his - mine - ours - yours - theirs The kite is mine.
Use hers - his - mine - ours - yours - theirs The kite is theirs.
Use hers - his - mine - ours - yours - theirs The kite is hers.
Use hers - his - mine - ours - yours - theirs The kite is ours.
Use hers - his - mine - ours - yours - theirs The kite is his.


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