Function of Ingredients in Pastry.


Students learn what are the functions of ingredients in the making of pastry.
jane stainer
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Function of fat: Fat shortens the mixture in shortcrust. It traps air between the layers in flaky pastry. It adds colour and flavour.
Function of Water in Choux pastry The use of boiling water in choux pastry gelatinises the starch causing the dough to thicken.
Function of Water in pastry shortcrust. The water binds the ingredients together
Function of Flour: Adds bulk
Why is Strong plain flour is used in choux and flaky or rough puff pastry? as it contains more gluten – this is needed to make the dough and give the pastry elasticity.
Lemon juice added to flaky or puff pastry to to strengthen gluten.
Salt.... flavours , strengthens the gluten in flaked pastries
Sugar... Adds colour and flavour
lard used as well as butter ... makes the crust flaky
butter or margarine adds flavour and colour


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