History: Medicine Through Time


FlashCards sobre History: Medicine Through Time, criado por Gabriel Wainwright em 26-03-2015.
Gabriel Wainwright
FlashCards por Gabriel Wainwright, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Gabriel Wainwright
Criado por Gabriel Wainwright mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name the main Greek contributors to medicine. Hippocrates, Aristotle and Pythagoras.
Hippocrates (Greek) Theory of The Four Humours and Hippocratic Oath.
Galen (Roman) The Theory of Opposites.
VesaLius (Renaissance) Proved Galen wrong. Jaw was one part not two. Wrote on the 'Fabric of the Human Body'
Pare (Renaissance) Wrote 'Practical Works On Surgery'. Found Ligatures and ROman salve made of turpentine, egg yolk and rose oil.
Harvey (Renaissance) Wrote 'An Anatomical Account of The Motions Of The Heart'. Worked on circulation and found the arteries and veins. Could not prove the existence of capillaries.
Name the Brothers Renaissance. William Harvey, Andreas Vesalius and Ambroise Pare.
Jenner (Medieval) The first vaccination. Jenner used cowpox to cure smallpox.
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) (Islamic) Ibn Sina wrote the most significant books of the Islamic era. He wrote 'The Canon of Medicine' and 'The Book Of Healing'.
Louis Pasteur (Fight Against Disease) Discovered Germ Theory in 1861. His discovery was fuelled by his rivalry with Koch. This was because of the Franco-Prussian War.
Robert Koch (Fight Against Disease) He competed with Pasteur. He discovered that germs could be grown on potatoes and Petri dishes. He also identified the germs that caused several major illnesses at the time.
Ignaz Semmelweiss (Fight Against Disease) He insisted that doctors washed their hands after dissections to reduce cross-contamination with patients. He called doctors who didn’t wash their hands ‘murderers’.
Joseph Lister (Antiseptics) He was influenced by Pasteur’s ‘Germ Theory’ and developed the carbolic spray. Carbolic spray was unpopular with doctors due to unpleasant side-effects. They cracked the hands of doctors.
John Snow (Fight Against Disease) John Snow discovered the link between cholera and water. He discovered a cesspit underneath the Broad Street pump.
Florence Nightingale (19th Century) She improved nursing in the Crimean. She made sure that the hospitals were cleaner. Every patient had their own bed. Wrote 'Notes on Nursing'.
Mary Seacole (19th Century) Mary Seacole helped on the battlefield in the Crimean War. She set up the 'British Hotel' to help look after soldiers. She didn't receive much credit after the Crimean.
Humphrey Davy (Anaesthesia) Laughing gas.
James Simpson (Anaesthesia) Discovered the uses of chloroform after self-experimentation.
Edwin Chadwick (Public Health) Edwin Chadwick wrote 'A Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population'. This was in 1842, in the first third of the Public Health.
Joseph Bazalgette (Public Health) Bazalgette was comissioned to design the sewer system underneath London.
The Great Stink (Public Health) The Great Stink forced the government to make a change in terms of miasma. It cleaned up the sewers (Bazalgette).
The Second Public Health Act (1875) Provision of clean water Proper drainage and sewage The appointment of a Medical Officer of Health This actually made a change.
Alexander Fleming (20th Century) Fleming discovered the importance of penicillin. This was by accident and he failed to take his knowledge any further.
Florey and Chain (20th Century) Howard Florey and Ernst Chain took penicillin a step further and took it to the USA, where it was mass produced.
William Beveridge (20th Century) Beveridge wrote a report into public health in Britain, calling for a 'cradle to grave' public health system. This led to the introduction of the NHS.
The First Public Health Act (1848) This was not compulsory and so did not bring much change in practice. It was brought about by the 1842 Chadwick Report.


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