Ag Sales: Communication Process


FlashCards sobre Ag Sales: Communication Process, criado por shgibson em 29-09-2013.
FlashCards por shgibson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por shgibson quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Basic Communication Model source-encoding-message/channel-decoding-reciever
Source salesperson
encoding message development
message/channel sales presentation
decoding buyer interpretation
receiver buyer
Creating the idea and putting the idea into a form that can be used to transfer information. Encoding
Converting the idea into words, or gestures that convey meaning. Encoding
How messages are transmitted. Channel
The recipient of the message. Decoding
Verbal V. Non-Verbal Communication 10% words 40% What you hear 50% Body Language
Non-verbal provides what percent in face to face communications? 93%
Types of body language. shaking hands, eye contact, facial expressions and territorial space
Characteristics of shaking hands. degree of firmness eye contact depth duration dryness of hands smile
intimate distance 6-8 inches
personal distance 1.5- 4 feet
social distance 4-12 feet
public distance 12-25 feet
Barriers to communication in a sales call. -differences in perception -buyer doesn't need product -sales pressure -information overload -disorganized sales presentation -distractions -different communication styles -poor listening
What percent of what we hear is incorrect? 75%
The process of sending back to the speaker what you as listener think the individual meant, both in terms of content and feelings. Active Listening
Strategies for listening. -take notes -ask questions and clarify -repeat back what you thought you heard to check for understanding
Ability to perceive another person's worldview as if it were your own. Empathic Listening
Used to evaluate the accuracy, meaningfulness and usefulness of the information given. Critical Listening


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