Unit 1.1: Particle Physics


My flashcards for Unit 1.1 of AQA AS Physics
Mathew  Wheatley
FlashCards por Mathew Wheatley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mathew  Wheatley
Criado por Mathew Wheatley mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1. What are the 3 main constituents of an atom? Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
2. How do we calculate the specific charge? Mass divided by Charge
3. Where would we find the charges and masses of particles and the information about Quarks? In the formula book!
4. Which is bigger? Atomic/Proton Number, or Nucleon Number? Nucleon Number (Atomic Mass)
5. What is an isotope? Two or more atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
6. What are the 4 forces? Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetic and Gravity
7. Which force is responsible for holding atoms together? Strong Nuclear Force
8. What is the range associated with the Strong Nuclear Force? Attractive up to 3fm but repulsive closer than 0.5fm
9. What is the equation for Beta-Minus Decay?
10. What parent nucleus forms Francium-226 from Alpha Decay? Actinium - 230
11. What is 3.2 x 10^-19 J in eV? 2eV
12. What are the antiparticles of the electron, proton, neutron and neutrino? Positron, Antiproton, Antineutron and Antineutrino respectively.
13. How can you calculate the energy of a photon of light if you know its wavelength? Energy = (Plancks Constant x Wave Speed) / Wavelength
14. What is the exchange particle for the Weak Interaction? The W Boson
15. When an antiparticle and a particle meet what process occurs? Annihilation
16. What can happen if two photons collide with enough energy? Pair Production
17. What are the two classes of Hadrons and what identifies both? Baryons (3 Quark Composition) and Mesons (Quark - Antiquark Pair)
18. What is conserved in a Strong Interaction? Baryon Number, Charge, Lepton Number and Strangeness
19. What is the only stable baryon? Protons
20. What is the quark composition of a Proton? uud
21. What happens to the flavour of the quarks in beta-plus (Positron) decay? An up quark changes to a down quark
22. Momentum is conserved in interactions? True or False? False


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