Criado por Mathew Wheatley
mais de 4 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
1. What are the 3 main constituents of an atom? | Protons, Neutrons and Electrons |
2. How do we calculate the specific charge? | Mass divided by Charge |
3. Where would we find the charges and masses of particles and the information about Quarks? | In the formula book! |
4. Which is bigger? Atomic/Proton Number, or Nucleon Number? | Nucleon Number (Atomic Mass) |
5. What is an isotope? | Two or more atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. |
6. What are the 4 forces? | Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetic and Gravity |
7. Which force is responsible for holding atoms together? | Strong Nuclear Force |
8. What is the range associated with the Strong Nuclear Force? | Attractive up to 3fm but repulsive closer than 0.5fm |
9. What is the equation for Beta-Minus Decay? | |
10. What parent nucleus forms Francium-226 from Alpha Decay? | Actinium - 230 |
11. What is 3.2 x 10^-19 J in eV? | 2eV |
12. What are the antiparticles of the electron, proton, neutron and neutrino? | Positron, Antiproton, Antineutron and Antineutrino respectively. |
13. How can you calculate the energy of a photon of light if you know its wavelength? | Energy = (Plancks Constant x Wave Speed) / Wavelength |
14. What is the exchange particle for the Weak Interaction? | The W Boson |
15. When an antiparticle and a particle meet what process occurs? | Annihilation |
16. What can happen if two photons collide with enough energy? | Pair Production |
17. What are the two classes of Hadrons and what identifies both? | Baryons (3 Quark Composition) and Mesons (Quark - Antiquark Pair) |
18. What is conserved in a Strong Interaction? | Baryon Number, Charge, Lepton Number and Strangeness |
19. What is the only stable baryon? | Protons |
20. What is the quark composition of a Proton? | uud |
21. What happens to the flavour of the quarks in beta-plus (Positron) decay? | An up quark changes to a down quark |
22. Momentum is conserved in interactions? True or False? | False |
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