WM 3


FlashCards sobre WM 3, criado por emilyrose_benefi em 30-03-2015.
FlashCards por emilyrose_benefi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emilyrose_benefi quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Besmirch V.- to damage the reputation of someone or something in the opinions of others. To make dirty or discolored.
Bewilder V.- to cause someone to become perplexed and confused.
Bewildering Adj.- confusing
Cherub N.- a winged Angel who attends God; a beautiful child.
Confound V.- to cause confusion espicially by acting against expectation. Or to discourage or ruin a plan.
Cranium N. The skull.
Decree N.- an official order or announcement.
Drab Adj.- dull, of a light brown color, lacking brightness. N.- cloth of a dull brownish greenish color.
Droll Adj.- curious or unusual in a way that causes amusement.
Entwine V.- To wind or twist together.
Forfeit V.- to lose property or a privilege or right as a penalty of wrongdoing; to lose or give up something as a nessesary cosiquence of something else.
Gargoyle N.- a grotesque carved human face or figure projecting from the gutter of a building which acts as a spout to carry water away from a building.
Giddy Adj.- having a feeling of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy; excitable an frivolous, disorienting but exciting.
Gustatory Adj.- concerned with tasting or sense of taste.
Idyllic Adj.- extremely happy, peaceful or picturesque.
Lock N.- a device for keeping a door, lid etc. fastened; a device in a canal or waterway for lowering and highering the water level; a piece of a person's hair that coils or hang together.; v- to fasten or secure something, to ridgidly fixed or immovable .
Malodorous I'm smell very unpleasant
Melee N.- a very confused fight, skirmish or skuffle.
Menace N.- a person or thing that is likely to cause harm, threaten or danger. V.- to threaten in a hostile manner.
Scepter N.- an ornamented staff carried by rulers as a sign of power.
Tresses N.- long locks of women's hair.
Urban N.- characteristics of a city or town.
Orb N.- a sphere shaped object, a celestial object, a globe, an eyeball.
Plait V.- to braid together three or more strands of hair, rope, or other flexible material. N.- a braid or single bundle made by braiding together three or more flexible objects.
Prattle V.- to talk at a length in a foolish and inconsequential way. N.- foolish talk.


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