

Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentences
Bois Isabelle
FlashCards por Bois Isabelle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bois Isabelle
Criado por Bois Isabelle quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
I like to ________ my journal each day. write or right write
She made a wish and ______ hard! blue or blew blew
My soccer team ______ a game today. one or won won
There is only one more ______ left. week or weak week
I had a large ______ of pie. peace or piece piece
Let's _____ the marbles using this scale. way or weigh weigh
Close one _____ and read the chart. I or eye eye
Do you _____ if they are here yet? know or no know
My sister will be _____ years old in two days. ate or eight eight
The black ______ grabbed a fish to eat. bare or bear bear
I lost ________ of my shoes! one or won one
Roses are red, violets are __________, sugar is sweet and so are you! blew or blue blue
I can't believe it; my parents bought me a new __________ !!! sell or cell cell
It's _________ funny. nut or not not
You _______ my chocolate? ate or eight ate
- Do you love me? - Yes. - I love you __________! to or too too
A spider has _____________ legs. ate or eight eight
My __________ Sophia is the best. aunt or ant aunt
You can't ____________ him! bare or bear bear
I will ___________ a new bike for the summer. bye , by or buy buy
_________ house is very nice. There, their or they're Their
You're ____________! right or write right
I can't lift theis box... I'm too _________. week or weak weak
___________ me at the shopping mall. Meet or meat meet
I don't have a _________ to spend. scent or cent cent
She hasn't received her _________ yet. mail or male mail
There is a __________ in my shoe. hole or whole hole
My _________ hurt. Feat or feet feet
She left her cell over __________. their or there there
A fruit is a nutritious _________. desert or dessert dessert
I have to buy a ______ of shoes. pear or pair pair
Did someone __________ your car? steel or steal steal
___________ was a cat by the tree. Their or there there
What should I ___ to the party tonight? wear or where wear
_________ are you going? wear or where where
For breakfast, I had _____ pancakes. for or four four
__________ over! its or it's it's


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