History Foreign Policy 1930-200


FlashCards sobre History Foreign Policy 1930-200, criado por rebeccadavies1912 em 06-04-2015.
FlashCards por rebeccadavies1912, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rebeccadavies1912 mais de 9 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
When did Isolationism take place? Isolationism took place between 1912 and 1941.
Why did America go into Isolationism? -The US was far away from any major world power -Didn't want to get involved with other countries problems -Lost 100,000 US soldiers in WWI yet they had nothing to do with the cause of WWII -Wanted to focus on their own problems-
Who introduced Isolationism President Warren Harding introduced Isolationism.
Example of Isolationism? Refusing to join the League of Nations
Examples of America's involvement with other countries during Isolationism? -'Cash 'n' Carry' plan meant countries could buy US weapons for cash and if they carried them away in their own ships -The US agreed on the 'lend lease' plan where Britain could borrow weapons for a set fee
How was the relationship between the US and Japan in the 1930s? Tense
What was Japan going through in the 1930s? Japan was suffering an economic depression and the Japanese leaders wanted to find a solution.
What did Japan's military leaders believe was the solution to their problems? To seize land from countries nearby and take their raw materials.
Was America worried with Japan's plans? Yes, it was a geographical threat.
What happened in 1931 and 1932? Japan attacked Manchuria, China and conquered it by 1932
What did Japan do in 1937? Japan invaded the rest of China and planned to conquer more land in South East Asia
What did America do to stop Japan? America stopped trading oil with Japan because they needed it for their war industries. This later backfired as Japan looked for other ways to get oil and planned to conquer the islands in the South Pacific.
What was stopping Japan conquer the South Pacific? The US Navy at Pearl Harbor
What happened on December 7th 1941? Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour
What was the damage at Pearl Harbor? -Five battleships were sunk and 16 ships damaged -188 planes were destroyed and 159 damaged -2403 Americans were killed and over 1272 wounded
Where else did Japan attack on the 7th and 8th of December 1941? Malaya, Hong Kong, Guam, the Philippines, Wake Island and Midway Island.
What was the result of the attack on Pearl Harbor? President Roosevelt declared war on Japan. This meant the US entered WWII (intervention), so brought an end to Isolationism
What naval battle took place in June 1942 The battle of Midway
What was the US tactics to defeat Japan? Island hopping
When did America seize control of the Philippines? October 1944
What tactic did America use to defeat Japan after March 1945 Firebombing of cities
What tactics did Japan use? Kamikaze
What famous meeting took place in July 1945? Potsdam
What conclusion did America come to after the Potsdam meeting? They would use the Atomic Bomb to defeat Japan all together
When was the Atomic Bomb used? August 6th, 1945
Where was the Atomic Bomb first dropped? Hiroshima
How many people were killed in Hiroshima? 200 thousand
How did Japan react to the Atomic Bomb? Fought on so the US dropped another
When was the Atlantic Charter signed? December 1941
Who signed the Atlantic Charter? President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
What did the Atlantic Charter agree to? To destroy Nazi Germany and bring freedom to Europe
When did US soldiers begin fighting in Europe? 1943


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