Unit 4 - The Eucharist


GCSE RE FlashCards sobre Unit 4 - The Eucharist, criado por tuckp002 em 10-04-2015.
FlashCards por tuckp002, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por tuckp002 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does Eucharist mean "thanksgiving" Thanks is given to God for his creation, for life and for the death and resurrection of Jesus
What is meant by 'Holy Communion'? Another name for the Eucharist in which the death and resurrection of Jesus is remembered and shared out among Catholics.
What does mass mean? Mass means "Go you are sent" It means once Christians have received the bread and the wine they have the duty to go back out into the world and lead Christian lives.
What is another name for the Eucharist which reminds Catholics of the Last Supper? The Lord's Supper
What is another name for the Eucharist which reminds Christians of when Jesus broke bread and shared it with his disciples? What can the name also remind Christians of? Breaking of Bread Can remind Christians that Jesus' body was broken in his crucifixion.
What is Real Presence? The belief that Jesus is present in a real way in the consecrated bread and wine (now body and blood)
What is consubstantiation? The Anglican belief that Jesus is present in the bread and wine in a spiritual way.
Why is the Eucharist important for Roman Catholics? 4 points ~ It is a great way to give thanks ~ It re-enacts the Last Supper ~ Catholics can come together as a community ~ Jesus is fully present in the bread and wine
What are the four main sections of mass? 1) Introduction 2) Liturgy of the Word 3) Liturgy of the Eucharist 4) Thanksgiving and dismissal
What happens in the introduction to mass? The opening prayer, Christians say sorry for what they have done in the penitential rite.
What happens in the 'Liturgy of the Word' section of the mass? There is an old testament reading to show how God guided his people in the past. Then, a psalm to thank God. Next, a New Testament reading which helps Christians apply Jesus' teaching to their own life. Then, the Homily where the priest makes the readings relevant to today. Then The Creed and The Bidding prayers
What happens in the liturgy of the Eucharist section of mass? Christians re-enact the last supper: 1) The offertory: Bread wine and money are offered as symbols to God of what life has to offer. 2) The Eucharistic prayer: the main part of this is the consecration of bread and wine. 3) The Our Father 4) The sign of peace: shows unity in Christ 5) Communion
What happens in the Thanksgiving and dismissal part of mass? A prayer thanking God for all his goodness to him. They are then given a blessing and told to "Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord."
What is the bread a symbol of? (apart from Jesus' body) It is the basic food to show what people need to stay alive
What is the wine a symbol of? (apart from Jesus' blood) Wine is a celebration drink to show that people offer their joys to God
What words are repeated at Mass which Jesus says to his disciples at the Last supper? "Do this in memory of me"
Why do Catholics believe they are closer to God through Eucharist? Because through transubstantiation the bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. By real presence this means that Jesus is fully present in it.
What do Orthodox Christians believe about the Eucharist? They believe in transubstantiation and the real presence of Jesus in the bread and wine.
What do protestants believe about the Eucharist? They do not believe in transubstantiation Some areas such as Church of England instead believe in consubstantiation. Some such as Baptists and Methodists only see it as a reminder of the Last Supper and Jesus' death & resurrection.
What do the Salvation Army believe about the Eucharist? They do not celebrate the Eucharist. They instead look at putting faith into action.
What do Quakers believe about the Eucharist? They do not celebrate the Eucharist. They instead follow Jesus by being open to prayer.
How do Orthodox Christians receive the Eucharist? ~ Members of the congregation offer homemade bread. One is chosen and consecrated by the priest behind the royal doors. ~ The Priest brings the consecrated bread through the Royal doors. ~ Those who want to receive communion do so by having the bread soaked in wine and presented to them on a spoon. ~ The bread not consecrated is blessed and shared between the congregation.


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