PPL Flight Radio


NCEA L2 Aviation FlashCards sobre PPL Flight Radio, criado por James Hamilton em 11-04-2015.
James Hamilton
FlashCards por James Hamilton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
James Hamilton
Criado por James Hamilton mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does FRTO mean? Flight Radio Telephone Operator
Sound waves passing through the air consist of .... being compressed and expanded; they move at the speed of ... Air, speed of sound
Radio waves are ... waves; they move at the speed of ... Electromagnetic, light
Amptitude means a. the distance between the top to the bottom of the wave. b. the top or bottom of the wave to the mean value line b
What does the term attenuation mean? weakening or decaying
when radio waves are in the VHF band they have (longer/shorter) wavelengths than in the LF band shorter
the preferred frequency band in aviation is... VHF
what is meant by the term transeiver A transmitter/reciever
what is meant by the term NAV/COM combined radio installation for navigation aids and communication
what is an important negative aspect of VHF transmission/reception? short range / line of sight
what is meant by the term modulation? superimposing intellegence on the carrier wave
flying (higher/lower) will improve the range of VHF reception higher
range of vhf reception in NZ has been imporved by the installation of repeater stations
when you press the microphone transmit button, the radio transmits the... .. and when you speak into the microphone you add ... to it carrier wave, modulation
what happens if you activate your transmitter when another sation is transmitting? you cut out it's transmission
what is the function of the squelch control? to control the levels of unwanted signals or static
list two important steps to take before you transmit your messge formulate your message, listen out for other transmissions
compared to noraml conversation, what should be your rate of transmission? slightly slower, conversational
what is the predominant advantage of HF over VHF, and disadvantage HF has longer range but has presence of static and fading
when you see a short (50 to 80) cm antenna on an aircraft what frequency band is the radio likely to operate on? VHF
after engine start you should select ... on your transponder and select ... or ... for in-flight conditions sby, on or alt
when you turn the trandspoder function swithc on, the equipment transmits mode ... information which does/does not include altitude information a ,does not
when you are insturcted to squark ident you should press the transponder ident button once
Term: acknowledge let me know that yo have received and understood this message
Term: affirm yes
Term: approved permission granted
Term: break i hereby indicate the separation between portions of the message
Term: break break I hereby indicate separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a busy envionments
Term: cancel annul the previously transmitted clearance
Term: check examine a system or procedure (an answer is normally not expected)
Term: cleared authorised to proceed under the conditions specified
Term: confirm i request verification of...
Term: contact establish radio communication with...
Term: correct establish that is true
Term: correction an error has been made in this transmission
Term: disregard ignore
Term: go ahead proceed with message
Term: how do you read? what is the readibility of my transmission?
Term: i say again for clarity or emphasis
Term: maintain continue with conditions specified
Term: moitor lilsten out on...
Term: negative no
Term: over my transmission is ended and i expect a reply
Term: out my transmission is ended and i don't expect a reply
Term: read back repeat, all or the specified part, of this message back to me exactly as received
Term: recleared a change has been made to your previous clearance and supersedes the previous part
Term: Report pass me the following information
Term: request i should like to know , or i wish to obtain
Term: say again repeat last transmission
Term: standby wait and i will call you
Term: unable I cannot comply with your request
Term: wilco message received and will comply
Term: words twice communication is difficult so please say every word twice
when should thank you and please be used during radio transmissions? never
all numbers are spoken as individual digits except for whole ... and ... when referring to ..., ... height and ... hundreds, thousands, altitude, cloud, visibilty.
how is the altimeter setting 1025 spoken? one zero two five
how should the callsign (Cherokee) XPQ be spoken Cherokee xray papa quebec
how is wind velocity at 350 degrees at 18kts spoken three five zero at one eight knots
how is 2.30pm spoken in terms of NZST (twenty four hour clock) one four tree zero
what term is used for yes affirm
what term is used for no negative
what is meant by the term cleared? authorised to proceed under conditions specified
what is meant by the term go ahead proceed with your message
what term is used to express 'i have recieved and understood your message'? roger
what term is used to express 'i understand your message and will comply with it' wilco
which types of aircraft callsigns may be abbreviated? the aircraft type followed by the 3 regisration letters, the telephoney designator followed by registration letters
which type of aircraft callsign may not be abbreviated? the telephoney designator of the operating agency followed by the flight indetification
What is the full call-sign for the aircraft: Cherokee ZK-BZA cherokee bravo zulu alpha
when enroute in uncontrolled airspce you can be incontact Chirstchurch flight information service. how do you address that service Christchurch information
when under the direction of approach control, how do you address the service? approach
When under the direction of area radar how do you address the service? control
name two places where you can find the frequencies of ATC services AIP vol 4, visual navigation charts
what is meant by 'HO' in the remarks column in the frequency listings of ATC services? 2hrs
what is meant by the letters SMC in the service or facility column of the frequency listings in the AIPNZ vol 4 Surface movement control
what is meant by the letters 'ACC/FIS' in the service in the service column of the frequency listings in the AIP vol 4? Area control/flight information service
In which document could you find the hours of service of a particular ATC unit? AIP supplement (NOTAM if short notice)
You are about to fuly Cessna 152 ZK-CAZ an Invercargill airport. What are the contenets of your intial call to Invercargill tower? Invercargill tower Cessna one five two charlie alpha zulu
What reply would you expect after intial contact to invercargill tower when you are cessna CBZ charlie bravo zulu, invercargill
Invercargill tower passes you the QNH as 125 and in your read back you say 1015. You realise your mistake as you say it. How do you correct the mistake in your call? Correction QNH one zero one five
you are waiting fora takeoff clearance on runway 08 pending the ladning of an pproaching Aztec. When the Aztec has landed ATC instructs you to line up behing the Aztec and wait. WHat are the contents of your read back call. behind the landing aztec lining up rwy zero eight and wait, 'callsign'
Invercargill towe has given you a clearance as follows: 'Charlie Alfa Zulu, cleared to vacate the zone via hedgehope not above 1500 feet, report hedgehope' what are the contents of your readback call? cleared to vacate via hedgehope not above 1500 feet, report hedgehop, wilco, 'callsign'
when enroute to Christchurch you are instructed to change to Christchurch information on 124.4. what are the contents of your read back call? one two four decimal four, 'callsign'
what is meant by the term transmitting blind? transmitting in the belief that your transmitter is working but you cannot recieve
You are in uncontrolled airspace tracking towards a controlled aerodorme that does not have a radar service and when yu are about to request a clearance to enter, your radio fails. What action should you now take? Proceed to an uncontrolled aerodrome and land
Below which altitude is reception of VHF signals via relay beacons not reliable? 4,000 ft
your microphone is capable of sending unmodulated signals only. You have established speechless technique. A question from ATC needs a no reply from you. How would you transmit this message using the microphone? two transmits
State three actions you can take when you are unable to comunicate with a certain ATS unit due to intervening terrain. select the LRG frequency for the ATS unit, fly at a higher altitude, use HF or get somebody to relay for you
Your radio has failed completelty and on joining the downwind lead of a controlled aerodrome you are given a flashing green light. What is the meaning of the signal? Return for landing
Nelson Tower asks you to check their transmission for readability. What are the contents of your response transmission when the signal is readable but with difficulty? readability 3
steady green light on the ground/inflight cleared to land/takeoff
steady red on the ground/inflight give way to other aircraft and continue circuting/stop
series of green flasheson the ground/inflight return to land/cleared to taxi
series of red flashes aerodrome unsafe - do not land/ taxi clear of the landing area in use
series of white flashes on the ground/inflight land at this aerodrome and proceed to the apron/return to the starting point on this aerodrome.
series of alternating red and green flashes on the ground/inflight danger be on alert
red pyrotechnic on the ground/inflight notwithstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being
Why do you not use a large city as your position when transmitting a position report? becuase a large place is too large vs. a pinpointed place
When should you provide the time in a position report? If you send the report some minutes after you passed the position
What are the seven contents of a position report? PTLRNR position time (if needed) level route next landing point and eta request (clearance if applicable)
Where should you transmit your position and intentions if you are about to enter the airspace surrounding an unattended aerodrome for landing? No set requirement but good to do it between 5-10nm away below 3000ft
what would the position report be if you wish to transmit your position and intentions passing Motueka unattended aerodome five miles east and at 1500 ft following the coast to Collingwood. Your call sign is BCD Motueka traffic, bravo charlie delta is five miles east of the airfield at 1500ft proceeding along the coast to Collingwood
You are on a flight for which you have not filed a flight plan and you are approaching the airspace surrounding a flight service aerodrome. Which radio procedure must you follow? Maintain a listening watch and use the same procedure as un-attended aerodromes
What is the recommended distance from the boundary of controlled airspace where you should make a call to obtain a clearance to enter ten miles from the boundary
flight information do/do not provide a control service do not
How many flight information centres are there in NZ and what are their callsigns? One, Christchurch Information
To avoid repetition, what voice technique should be used when an emergency call is to be transmitted? Slow and distinct
What order of priority applies to flying aircraft compared to transmitting an emergency call? Flying the aircraft is top priority
What prefix should be used in your emergency call when you are in danger and require immediate assistance? MAYDAY
What prefix should be used in your emergency call when you require urgent but not immediate assistance? PAN PAN
Give an example of a reason for a MAYDAY call Engine failure Smoke or flames in the aircraft Pilot incapacitated Airframe breaking up
Give an example PAN PAN call. A passenger has been injured in flight and requires assistance upon landing. Substantial loss in visibility and a precautionary landing
State the contents of the MAYDAY call in ICAO sequence MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Station addressed Aircraft call sign Nature of distress Intentions Current position, altitude and heading
State the contents of the PAN PAN in the ICAO sequence PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN Station addressed Call sign Nature of distress Intentions Current altitude, heading and position
When faced with an emergency situation, must you adhere strictly to the published contents of a MAYDAY or a PAN PAN? No, pilot-in-command determines the sequence based on circumstances
In general, what frequency should you use for your initial emergency transmission? The frequency you are on unless you deem it more appropriate to change.
If you are transponder equipped, what code should you select when you are in an emergency situation? 7700
What call shall be made by ATC, or the pilot of an aircraft in distress, if another pilot interferes with a MAYDAY transmission? Stop transmitting, MAYDAY
What options, in terms of frequency, are available to you if your initial emergency call has not received a satisfactory reply? Change to 121.5, change to another frequency you know is being monitored, change to marine mobile service RTF.
When may normal transmissions resume following a MAYDAY condition? When the distress situation is terminated, when distress traffic is transferred to another frequency when authorised by the controlling authority when you yourself have to render assistance.
What frequency or frequencies should you select briefly before taxiing out and prior to engine shut-down? 121.5
What is the purpose of checking 121.5 To check if an ELT is transmitting
What action must you take if your ELT has inadvertently activated? Switch to ARM and notify the nearest ATS unit
Prior to starting a local flight within 10 nm of the departure aerodrome, you notice that your four seat powered aircraft has a placard advising that the automatic ELT has been removed for maintenance and a portable LT is not available. May the flight proceed? No, but it would be permitted in a single seat aircraft
Why should you not turn the ELT off after an emergency activation of the beacon? It may interfere with Search and Rescue
Under what circumstances may the holder of PPL permit a person who does not hold the qualification to operate the aircraft radio? Under no circumstances
If you have been assessed as Level 5 following a language proficiency assessment, the endorsement on your licence will be for ... years 6
If you have a level 6 language endorsement how long does the endorsement last For life
What regulatory requirement must be met by a student pilot before undertaking a solo cross-country flight? Must have passed the FRTO exam
What regulatory requirement regarding radio operations must be met by a student pilot before the PPL may be issued? Passed the FRTO exam
List the five types of unauthorised transmissions that may not be sent by radio. Obscene language, deceptive or false messages, improper use of some else's callsign, that are not pertaining to operational requirements, matters that are of a personal nature


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