growth and mitosis


what is growth?
allisten cooper
FlashCards por allisten cooper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
allisten cooper
Criado por allisten cooper aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
DEFINE Growth A permanent increase in the size of an organism due to an increase in the number of cells
DEFINE mitosis a type of nuclear division that causes cells to divide producing identical cells to the dividing cell during periods of growth and repair of an organism
Chromosomes Protein based strands of material found in the nucleus that contain genes (coded instructions) to synthesis other proteins
Why is mitosis important for growth and repair in organisms? Mitosis ensures that the genetic instruction is identical between cell generations thus the same cell types are maintained in areas of growth or when replacing damaged tissues.
DESCRIBE Mitosis A type of nuclear division of 4 stages P,M,A,T, (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) that results in identical cells produced after cell division.
identify the parts of a nucleus during the stages of mitosis nuclear membrane, chromosomeswith/without centromeres centrioles,spindle fibres,chromatids.
describe the process called mitosis prophase :chomosomes replicate preparing for even distribution of chromosomes metaphase: Chromosome attach to spindle at their centromeres in a single file before separation anaphase: identical sister chromatids pull apart towards centrioles at opposite ends along spindle fibre tracks telophase: chromomes at opposite ends surrounded by nuclear membranes just before cytokinesis (cell division)
describe prophase Mitosis chromosome thicken and replicate centriole separate to opposite ends forming spindle fibre tracks nuclear membrane breaksdown
How does the stages of mitosis ensure that identical cells are produced? identical copies produced at Prophase with no mixing of genes between sister chromatids single file line up at Metaphase ensure that identical copies/sister chromatids are evenly separated at Anaphase
define Meristems The Growing regions of a plant such as the apical stems/shoot tips and root tips that undergo mitosis and cell elongation.
Summary description of Germination The water activated Metabolism of stored food in the cotyledon and or endoperm tissue of seeds to form the shoot/plumule and the root/radicle of the plant embryo.
Define metabolism Enzyme activity that results in the break down/ catabolism of food materials eg. (digestion/respiration) and the build up of materials/anabolism eg. (growth/repair)
how is growth controlled in humans? growth hormones from the pituitary gland and the hormones like testosterone and oestrogen affect the growth rate and development of the body eg. during puberty secondary sexual features develop.
how is growth measured? by a measure of size - height and length of part or the whole organism and taking its mass as 1.fresh /living mass includes all the water 2.dry or dead mass without water
Determine the growth pattern represented by the graph is human or a plant growth pattern/ a. human b. plant GIVE REASON FOR YOUR ANSWER.


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