Week 3 Cholesterol and Lipids


Chemistry Rotation FlashCards sobre Week 3 Cholesterol and Lipids, criado por Stacym09 em 04-10-2013.
FlashCards por Stacym09, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Stacym09 mais de 11 anos atrás

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VLDL very dense lipoprotein, transports triglycerides
major source of cholesterol liver and intestine
primary factors that influence cholesterol levels diet, gender, genetics
substances required to form cholesterol esters fatty acids and alcohol cholesterols
compound needed to metabolize triglycerides to form energy acetyl CoA
lipid storage disease specific enzyme deficiency or nonfunctional enzyme form
equation to calculate LDL Tcholesterol-HDL+ TG/5
lipid panel chol+hdl+tg
lipemia turbid or milky appearance of serum after fat ingestion, caused by chylomicrons
statorrhea accumulation of lipids
chylomicrons transport exogenous TG in plasma
What does beta lipoprotein primarily consist of cholesterol
Enzymatic method for cholesterol -cholesterol oxidase,peroxidase method -cholesterol oxidase reacts specifically w free cholesterol only - converts cholesterol esters to free cholesterol
HDL used in risk assessment of CAD
adipose tissue principal site of uptake, chylomicrons and VLDL at meal are transported to tissue in the body
what does alcoholism lead to? increased lipids b/c of liver damage
glycogen the form of glucose stored in muscle and liver
characteristics of hyperglycemia -polyuria, ketouria, glycosuria
characteristics of hypoglycemia -trembling, sweating, nausea, rapid pulse, hunger glucose <70
insulin involved in the glycolitic process and subsequent storage of glycogen
what is insulin synthesized from ? proinsulin, by beta cells in the pancreas
structure of insulin 2 chain poly peptide
characteristics of insulin decreases blood glucose by stimulating the uptake of glucose into fat and metabolism, promotes the conversion to glycogen or fat storage, stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown, promotes decrease in blood sugar
how does increased insulin levels affect glucose intake of cells? increases the glucose uptake
Type 1 diabetes -insulin dependent -ketoacidosis prone -autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells -occurs in children
type 2 diabetes non insulin dependant
GTT and LTT glucose tolerance and lactose tolerance tests
As blood glucose decreases b/c insulin what affects does it have on what hormones? glucagon, cortisol, epinepherine and growth hormone all increase
conc of glucose in fresh serum vs in contact w blood? serum- stable for 8hrs at room temp blood- decreases at a rate of 5% and hr
methods for determining glucose conc OToluidine, Hexokinaase, glucose oxidase, colorimetric strip
analytes used to measure complications of diabetes BUN, creatinine, urinary albumin
what does ingestion of ethanol, propanol and salycilate result in? hypoglycemia
hormones that promote increased blood glucose levels growth hormone, cortisol, glucagon
what does epinepherine do? increase blood glucose levels
Cushings syndrome exhibits increase glucose, hyperglycemia
what is seen in malabsorption of the intestine? low D-xylose levels
how does liver release glucose during fasting it breaks down stored glycogen
does glucagon increase hydroxy buterate dehydrogenase? NO
Biochemical hallmarks of diabetes mellitus -hyperglycemia, hypercholestermia, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolality
HbA1C (glycohemoglobin) -used to assess pt glucose level for previous 6-8 wk process
what are the affects of physical or emotional stress? stimulates the secretion of epinepherine which increases blood glucose
glucagon mobilizes stored glucose, increases production of acetone,plays a role in diabetes mellitis, its secretion is stimulated by a decrease in glucose
glycogenolysis glycogen to glucose
gluconeogenesis formation of glucose from amino acids and glycerol
citric acid cycle acetyl coA oxidation to CO2
glycolysis glucose oxidation to pyruvate and lactate
glucose 6 phosphotase contained in the cells of the liver which cause the release of glucose into the circulation during fasting
csf glucose centrifuged and seen immediately
OGTT oral glucose tolerance test, fasting 120 mg/dl, 20 pp 220 mg/dl> diabetes mellitus
GGTT Gestational Glucose Tolerance Test Glucose 150 mg/dl @ 1 hr-suspicious of diabestes OGTT should be done
glucagon stimulates insulin release


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