The Perennial Questions of Psychology and Their Historically Changing Answers. Powepoint info


What’s the difference between a history course and a course about “historical and conceptual issues”? The aim of the course The perennial questions of psychological thought The strive for scientific rigor Psychology and society
Miryana Dorosiev
FlashCards por Miryana Dorosiev, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miryana Dorosiev
Criado por Miryana Dorosiev mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HISTORY AND CONCEPTUAL HISTORY HISTORY: it is merely descriptive, it is interested in the question what people at different points in time believed and knew CONCEPTUAL HISTORY: it is explanatory, it is interested in both WHAT PEOPLE BELIEVED AND KNEW and WHY DID THEY BELIEVED PARTICULAR IDEAS AND HOW DID THEY ARRIVE AT THE KNOWLEDGE THEY HAD.
SOME PERENNIAL QUESTIONS Why human beings behave in the way they do? Why different people react differently in the same situation? Can we know what the others think and wish?
THE STRIVE FOR RIGOR It begins with the awareness that not all answers of the perennial questions are equally good. PLATO (427 – 347 BC): KNOWLEDGE is different from mere OPINION. KNOWLEDGE = JUSTIFIED TRUE BELIEF KNOWLEDGE IS BINDED
BIASES IN HISTORY WRITING Focused on persons rather than on the shared ideas (Zeitgeist); Too much credit is given to a small number of people (the so-called “Matthew effect”); The hindsight bias (interpreting ideas from the stance of what we know now); Ethnocentrism (too much attention is given to the contribution of a particular culture); The authors of historical books too often rely on other historical books.


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