Key Terms


A-Level Business Studies (BUSS3) FlashCards sobre Key Terms, criado por harry.spong em 06-10-2013.
FlashCards por harry.spong, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por harry.spong aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Objectives goals or targets that must be achieved in order to realize the stated aims of an organisation, department or individual team. Objectives tend to be medium to long term.
Corporate Objectives the goals or targets of the whole organisation, usually based on its mission or aims.
Functional Objectives the goals or targets of each of the functional areas of a business, usually based on its corporate objectives.
Financial Aims the broad, general goals of the finance and accounting function or department within an organisation.
Financial Objectives the specific, focused targets of the finance and accounting function or department within an organisation.
Financial Strategies long-term or medium-term plans, devised at senior management level, and designed to achieve the firm’s financial objectives.
Financial Tactics short-term financial measures adopted to meet the needs of this short-term threat or opportunity
Balance Sheet a document describing the financial position of a company at a particular point in time, by comparing the items owned by the organisation (its assets) with the amounts that it owes (its liabilities).
Income Statement an account showing the income and expenditure (and thus the profit or loss) of a firm over a period of time (usually a year).
Management Accounting the creation of financial information for use by internal users in the business, in order to predict, plan, review, and control the financial performance of the business.
Financial accounting the provision of financial information to show external users the financial position of the business; it concentrates on historical data.
Assets items that are owned by an organisation.
Non-Current Assets resources that can be used repeatedly in the production process, although they do wear out (depreciate) or lose value. Examples are land, buildings, machinery and vehicles.
Tangible non-current (fixed) assets that exist physically.
Intangible assets non-current assets that do not have a physical presence, but are nevertheless of value to a firm (e.g a brand name or patent).
Current assets short-term items that circulate in a business on a daily basis and can be expected to be turned into cash within 1 year.
Liabilities debts owed by an organisation to suppliers, shareholders, investors or customers who have paid in advance.
Total Equity or total shareholders' equity (capital) funds provided by shareholders to set up the business, fund expansion and purchase fixed assets.


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