The Industrial Revolution


High School Diploma History - JC FlashCards sobre The Industrial Revolution, criado por aileen Mc em 22-04-2015.
aileen Mc
FlashCards por aileen Mc, atualizado more than 1 year ago
aileen Mc
Criado por aileen Mc quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Canary Bird Gases in the mines Warning
Mechanical Reaper Cyrus McCormack Harvest crops
Hurriers Transported the coal out of the mine
Enclosure Fence / Wall Stop spread of diseases Contain animals
Selective Breeding Robert Bakewell Eradicate weak animal strains
Black Lung Mines Breathing in dust
Spinning / Weaving Spinning Jenny / Loom
Trappers Children did this job Open/close door to the mine
Children worked in the factories Unblocked clogs Small hands
Crop rotation Charles 'turnip' Townsend 4 Field System
Tarmacadam John Macadam Road surfaces & slopes


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