AQA biology 15.2 courtship behaviour


AS - Level AS Biology (unit 2 - 15. evidence for relationships between organisms) FlashCards sobre AQA biology 15.2 courtship behaviour, criado por Charlotte Hewson em 23-04-2015.
Charlotte Hewson
FlashCards por Charlotte Hewson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Hewson
Criado por Charlotte Hewson mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
how does courtship behaviour help to achieve mating? -recognise members of same species -identify a mate capable of breeding -form a pair bond -synchronise mating
what is the basic courtship process? the male does a specific action. this acts as a stimulus to the female, who responds with a specific action of her own. her response acts as a stimulus to the male to carry out a further action
what is this ritual known as? a stimulus-response chain
what is an example of animals showing courtship behaviour? the Mallard duck. tail/bill shaking


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