

Pruebas de examtime
Dani Arrilucea
FlashCards por Dani Arrilucea, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dani Arrilucea
Criado por Dani Arrilucea mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Where do natural products come directly from? Natural products come directly from nature.
Natural products such as... Tomatoes and eggs
Where do we get natural products from? We get natural products from farming, livestock farming, fishing, mining, and forestry.
Farming : Is the cultivation of land to get agricultural products:It can be: .-Dryland: which is farming that only uses rainwater. Cereals, grape vines and olives. .-Irrigated: which is farming that uses irrigation. Rice, vegetables and fruit trees.


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