question 5, attract audience


media blog
katherine martin9800
FlashCards por katherine martin9800, atualizado more than 1 year ago
katherine martin9800
Criado por katherine martin9800 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Conventions that attracted our audience We included many conventions all throughout our production that would be interesting and either deviate or follow stereotypes.
Genre Overall we felt having a thriller as our chosen genre and crime as our sub-genre really opened up more audience preferences. Due to thriller being able to involve many aspects and still have clear thriller conventions. Such as romance, action, comedy or sci-fi. Although we didn't involve many sub-genres, we created a good foundation for the rest of the production to build on. For example, 'The Family's opening is very violent, focusing onto the crime aspects and background of the film. Yet the rest of the film is mainly light-hearted crime which focuses more onto the comedy convention.
Character We felt our character was the most evident convention that attracted and addressed our target audience. Our only character & antagonist plays an interesting role that deviates from the expected role. Specifically as our character is a female, antagonist and younger than other typical antagonists. In terms of the narrative, I feel audiences will be much more intrigued to discover her role. As the character is more like our target audience, they'll have more audience pleasure. Causing them to feel more included to view the production. Also, it helps to allow the audience to relate to the experiences and emotions of the antagonist. Which adds as bigger sense of verisimilitude for them
Camera Work & Editing As explained in question one, we used camera work and editing to highlight key information. For example, by having the camera shots we did more verisimilitude was built as the production was fluent. Specifically the close ups, as they gave depth into the character and narrative. Such as the flashback sequence, which was created much more interesting because of the close ups, which may attract to our audience more.
Location & Costume The location and costume complements each other. Whilst still being thriller conventions, they are used more creatively. For example, the secluded area builds on the sense of mystery and therefore builds tension. Which would result in the audience wanting to watch the rest of the production.


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