Atheism and Postmodernism


Flash cards on Atheism and postmodernism. Includes: -Reasons for the rise of Atheism (Green) -Postmodern view of religion (Orange) -Nietzsche and his beliefs on religion and postmodernism (Blue)
Alex Leah
FlashCards por Alex Leah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex Leah
Criado por Alex Leah mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Pick and Mix: Idea that modern people can dissect parts of spiritual beliefs and religions which fit their philosophy or idea of truth. The Problem of Evil: Atheists believe that there is no God, as no god would allow a world to exist with so many injustices and crimes to occur in. If God existed he would not allow evil to exist.
Spiritual Supermarket: Where people can go around browsing, testing and keeping religions which they come across. Idea that modern people can choose their religion/spiritual belief freely, like a person browsing products at a supermarket. Empiricism: Theory that knowledge only comes primarily from sensory experience. Second hand information/knowledge is not at all reliable.
Cultural Construct: Belief that all religion is simply a cultural construct made by the societies that they originated from. No "one" or "true" religion. They were all made under the same circumstances. Scientific and other religious studies: Science has often dis proven the claims of the Church as well as other religions. This has caused an increase in Atheism.


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