Respiratory System - Nasal Cavity


VMED 5132 (Test 2) FlashCards sobre Respiratory System - Nasal Cavity, criado por Diamond Sapphire em 06-10-2020.
Diamond Sapphire
FlashCards por Diamond Sapphire, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Diamond Sapphire
Criado por Diamond Sapphire quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the function of the respiratory system? Allows animals to move oxygen into body tissues and remove carbon dioxide from cells
Why is oxygen necessary? Required for cellular respiration
What is carbon dioxide? Waste product of cellular respiration
What are the 2 divisions of the respiratory system? 1. Conducting portion 2. Respiratory portion
What are the components of the conducting portion? Nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
What is the function of the conducting portion? To conduct and condition the inspired air before it reaches the lungs
What are the components of the respiratory portion? Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli
What is the main function of the respiratory portion? To perform gaseous exchange
The nasal cavity consists of what 3 divisions? The vestibular region, the respiratory region, and the olfactory region
The respiratory region and the olfactory region of the nasal cavity comprise the ___ ___ Nasal fossa
Anterior portion of the nasal cavity; forms a true entrance into the respiratory system; highly pigmented, thickened stratified squamous epithelial lining Vestibular region
Lies within the nasal septum Nasal fossa
Main function of the nasal fossa To condition inspired air
What does “conditioning” inspired air consist of? Cleansing, moistening, and warming of the air
The respiratory epithelium of the nasal fossa cleanse inspired air by... Trapping particles such as dust and pollen
The goblet cells and sero-mucus glands of the nasal fossa ... the inspired air Moisten
The venous plexus of the nasal fossa ... the inspired air Warms
Moves mucus and trapped particles from the nasal cavity to the pharynx Cilia
Create turbulence in the inspired air to trap small particulates in mucus Nasal concha
Respiratory region contains ___ epithelium that function to trap particles from the passing air Respiratory
What are the 4 respiratory epithelium cell types Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, goblet cells, basal cells, and brush cells
Function of basal cells Source of replacement for ciliated and goblet cells
Function of ciliated cells Beating of cilia sweeps mucus containing inhaled particles towards the pharynx for swallowing
Function of goblet cells Secrete mucus which moistens the epithelial surface and adheres to inhaled particles
Refers to lamina propria CT with increased numbers of blood vessels; contains mixed glands Cavernous stratum
Function of cavernous stratum Warm the air; moisten the air
Located in the dorso-caudal region of the nasal cavity; lined by olfactory epithelium Olfactory region
Function of the olfactory region Chemoreception
Olfactory mucosa consists of thick ___ ___ epithelium Pseudostratified columnar
The lamina propria of the olfactory mucosa contains ___ ____ Bowman’s glands
What is the purpose of the section from the Bowman’s glands? To “wash” chemoreceptor sites
What are the 3 major olfactory epithelium cell types? Olfactory neurons, supporting (sustentacular) cells, and basal cells
Specialized bipolar neurons that are activated when chemicals come in contact with olfactory vesicles Olfactory neurons
Provide physical support, nourishmentj, and electrical insulation to the olfactory neurons Sustentacular (supporting) cells
Stem cells that help replace worn out olfactory and sustentacular cells Basal cells
Briefly describe the process of olfaction 1. Molecules of an olfactant bind to membrane which modifies the plasma membrane’s charge characteristics and triggers and action potential. 2. Signal is routed via afferent nerve to pseudounipolar neuron in cranial nerve ganglia. 3. Relayed to brain’s olfactory lobe. 4. Signal integration takes place within the brain
Tubular structure located at the base of the nasal cavity; specialized for chemoreception Vomeronasal organ
Function of the vomeronasal organ Relay information from pheromones to generate appropriate behavioral response
The vomeronasal organ is positioned in a way to maximize air flow. Why? Increase sensitivity
Vomeronasal neurons contain ___ (as opposed to cilia) Microvilli
Vomeronasal organ: ___ ___ epithelium Pseudostratified columnar
Components of the accessory olfactory system Vomeronasal organs, vomeronasal nerves, and accessory olfactory bulbs
Respiratory epithelium is ___ than olfactory epithelium Thinner
Functions of glands within the respiratory and olfactory regions Keep surface moist and trap dust; “wash” chemoreceptor sites
What disease process is the following describing? - nasal concha are destroyed - greenish exudate remaining - fungal hyphae can be found Fungal rhinitis (dog)
Inherited condition in certain species of dogs; - cilia don’t function—> mucus builds up —> mucus plugging and inflammation of the nasal cavities, trachea, and airways —> chronic respiratory abnormalities Primary ciliary dyskinesia
- worldwide disease of pigs - atrophy of nasal conchae - bacterial etiology - can result in severe facial deformity Atrophic rhinitis
With nasal adenocarcinoma, the cells have a ___ growth pattern histologically Papillary
With nasal lymphoma, (histologically) the lamina propria is filled with ___ Lymphocytes
Flattened conical chamber through which air and food pass Pharynx
The pharynx is divided partially by the soft palate into ___ and ___ Nasopharynx; oropharynx
Functions of the larynx Breathing, focalization, and protection of trachea against food aspiration
Tubular shape of larynx maintained by ___ ___ and rings of ___ Skeletal muscle; cartilage
2 Types of cartilage found in larynx Hyaline and elastic
Larynx is lined by ___ epithelium except surfaces of the ___ ___ and ___ Respiratory; Vocal folds; epiglottis
Epiglottis lined by ___ ___ epithelium Stratified squamous
Flap of cartilage that gets depressed during swelling to cover the larynx Epiglottis
Function of epiglottis Keep the food from entering the respiratory system
Flaps of tissue composed predominantly of muscle and lined by stratified squamous epithelium Vocal folds
Function of vocal folds Used for vocalization
Irritation ___ mucus production Increases


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