
This is Emme Halls Wyntk
FlashCards por emmehall3, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emmehall3 quase 10 anos atrás

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Amendment A small change in a document.
Assimilate To take in or become a part of their culture.
Bias To favor a side, to the point where it is unfair.
Bicameral To have two branches of the Legislative body.
Blockade Sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering.
Boomtown A town having rapid growth.
Capitalism A political system where everything is privately owned rather than state.
Captain of Industry A business leader who makes a lot of money but uses that money to benefit the country in some way.
Checks and Balances A system that is used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch.
Congress The legislative body for the country.
Due process of law Fair treatment through the Judicial system.
Economics The branch of knowledge with wealth.
Emancipated To free from slavery.
Enfranchise To give the right to vote.
Enumerated Not listed.
Federalism The system of the government.
Forty-Niners Some one who went to the California Gold Rush in 1849.
Free Enterprise A system where businesses operate in competition.
Habeas Corpus Where a person has to go before a judge when they get arrested.
Industry Economic activity involving raw materials and the production of goods in factories.
Judicial The branch in the government that interprets the laws.
Ku Klux Klan A gang that was mostly in the south and they terrorized African Americans.
Manifest Destiny The belief where the U.S. should expand westward.
Martyr Kill because of their belief in religion.
Monopoly Control of the supply or trade in a business or company.
Nomadic Someone who moves around a lot.
Override To reject or cancel.
Popular Sovereignty A principle that the government is elected by the people.
Ratify To give your consent and make it official.
Radical Something extreme.
Republicanism (One of the political parties) During the Civil War, wanted African Americans to be free.
Robber Baron Cruel and ruthless business man who only benefits himself.
Rural Countryside rather than a town.
Separation of Powers When the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial bodies are split up in the government.
Social Darwinism The theory that individuals only survive if they are fit and worthy.
Suffrage The right to vote.
Supreme Court The highest Judicial court in the country or state.
Tariff A tax to be paid for imports and exports.
Taxation without Representation Colonists weren't allowed to choose the representative so there was a law made to pay taxes.
Trade Union Group of workers who protested to get fair wages, no child labor, etc.
Urban Having the characteristics of a city or a town.
Veto To reject a bill.
Thomas Jefferson He was an American Founding father, 3rd president of United States, author of declaration of independence, & 1st Secretary of State.
Andrew Jackson 7th president and is on the $20 bill. Was in charge of the Indian Removal Act costing many peoples lives.
Sacagawea Known for guiding Lewis and Clark through their expedition in the west. She was kidnapped into the Shoshone tribe and was very resourceful.
James Polk Also known as Manifest Destiny because he got America a lot of land. James gained 3 states for the Union. He was the 11th president.
Frederick Douglas Was a slave for a long period of his life. He wrote a novel about his journey. Douglas escaped slavery and joined the abolitionists.
Harriet Beecher Stowe American Abolitionist who wrote a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin. The book showed how bad slavery actually was. She experienced slavery while in the South and that's how she wrote her novel.
John Brown American Abolitionist who would violently murder slave holders. He thought that was the only way to overthrow slavery. He led many raids and he fought in Kansas.
Robert E. Lee American Soldier that was the Confederate Army Commander. His surrender resulted in the South to lose in the Civil war. He loved his home-state Virginia to the point where he rejected the offer of being the General of the Union by Abe Lincoln.
Andrew Johnson Became the 17th president after Abe Lincolns assassination. Many would say that he is the worst president. He was going to get impeached from his position in office but since he only had two more months, they let him stay. Andrew only made choices that were in favor of the South.
Susan B. Anthony She was a social reformer and feminist. She played an important role in the suffrage movement. Also she was an anti-slavery woman.
Sitting Bull He was a holy man and a leader. Sitting Bull led as tribal chief. His group didn't want to follow the United States government.
George Custer He was an American Army officer. George fought in the Civil War and the American Indian War. He was on the Union side and fought for the Union during the Civil war.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Cornelius started working at age 11. Then, he started his own company at age 16. During his time, he became the wealthiest man on earth. He made a lot of his money by taking advantages of the gold rush. Sometimes he would cheat people out for their money. He could be known as a Captain of Industry or a robber baron.
John Rockefeller John Rockefeller could be known as both captain of industry and robber baron. He had a company that was making a lot of money. John gave a lot of money to schools and charities. He had good work ethic but he also crushed all his competitors. Instead of using his money generously all the time, he limited his workers wages.
Andrew Carnegie Andrew started very poor when he was a kid but since he was a hard-working boy, he made himself a great deal of money. He made his money off of his steel and gave a lot of money to places like schools and libraries. Andrew wanted nothing but the best. He was ruthless and made a big mistake that caused a lot of men to die.
Jamestown This place was the first (long-lasting) English settlement in America. Some people may know it to be where the British Empire began.
Plymouth This location was found by the pilgrims in 1620. This is where New England was originally established. An important event that happened there was the first Thanksgiving feast.
Lexington and Concord This is where a lot of battles happened. These battles were the first military engagements that started the American revolutionary war. Also, this is where the "shot heard around the world" happened.
Erie Canal This canal is in New York. This was created so that they had a navigable water route to the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.
Harpers Ferrry This is located in West Virginia. John Brown was going to help slaves rebel here. They all marched and in the end lost. Most were killed and it was tragic.
Fort Sumter This is where the first battle of the Civil War. It is in Charleston, North Carolina. Confederates took control of this fort and it gave a false impression of a short and bloodless war.
The Alamo This was the more independent side of Texas and it was mostly Republican Party.
Gettysburg This is the place where General Lee gathered his troops. They were going to fight against the Union Army. The South ended up losing and they wouldn't strike again.
Appomattox Appomattox is where the battle of the Appomattox Court House was. General Robert E. Lee surrendered here. That surrender was the ending of the war.
Ford's Theater A lot of plays were performed here. While Abe Lincoln was watching one, John Wilkes Booth came in and shot him. That is where Abe was killed.
Promontory Point, Utah This is the place where all of the railroad workers had a huge celebration for finishing the transcontinental railroad.
Ellis Island and Angel Island Ellis Island was where one of the busiest immigrant inspection station was. Angel Island was where a lot of immigrants would go, mostly being Asian.
Declaration of Independence This document declared our rights and helped us be independent from King George III. It gave us some rights that colonists believed a man should always have.
Revolutionary War This was the war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the 13 colonies. When the 13 colonies won, they won their independence from England. They could officially be free.
Articles of Confederation This was the first constitution of America. Even though it was a failure, it helped civilize America for the time being.
Great Compromise This compromise allowed for the creation of the two houses. This helped both the small and large states voices be heard.
Louisiana Purchase This was a great purchase made by Thomas Jefferson. This was a very cheap purchase as well. This piece of land nearly doubled the early America and made us who we are today.
Missouri Compromise This helped regulate slavery in America. There had to be an equal amount of anti-slavery as there was pro-slavery states.
Indian Removal Act This happened during Andrew Jackson's presidency. He wanted the land that the indians lived on so he forced them to move out. They had little time to gather their belongings and had to walk a long and hard pathway to the West. Also, many people died along the way.
Mexican-American War This was a war between Mexico and America. These two countries were fighting over land that they both thought was rightfully theirs.
California Gold Rush Many people came to California to get some gold. This would be a new opportunity for many people. They came from all over the place and many businessmen would find ways to make money off of this (like transportation).
Homestead Act This is where the government sold land to the Americans. They wanted people to move westward so that America could take over the land.
Industrial Revolution This is the period of time when everything switched from agriculture and hand-making things to factories and machines.
Underground Railroad This was a passage way that slaves trying to escape would take. This would lead them to the North in hopes of a brighter future.
Seneca Falls Convention At the Seneca Falls Convention, people who supported women's rights would gather their to have meetings.
Fugitive Slave Acts These were laws that allowed the North to be anti-slavery but if there was a runaway slave, they must return them.
Dred Scott v. Sanford Dred Scott, a former slave, moved to a free state. He was still not allowed the rights he should get and so he decided to go to court.
Kansas-Nebraska Act This was an act passed that allowed white men who owned land to decide if slavery was right.
Compromise of 1850 This was to help the North and South agree. California was admitted as a free state. That made the states having slaves be equal with the states that did not.
Bleeding Kansas This was when there was violent political fights. These involved "Border Ruffians" and Anti-slavery people.
Civil War 1850-1865. This was a long and bloody war between the North and the South. The southern states seceded from the Union in hopes to start their own government. It was mostly about whether they should allow slavery or not. The Union need up winning and the South rejoined the country.
Emancipation Proclamation Abe Lincoln issued this. It stated that all slaves that were in rebellious states are now free. Some slaves still weren't free after that though because their owners decided to keep it a secret.
Civil War Draft Riots Abe Lincoln needed more soldiers to fight in the Civil War. They made drafts to randomly choose a person to fight. People didn't like the idea of going to war so they started riots.
Gettysburg Adress This was a speech made by Abraham Lincoln. It was a dedication to all the soldiers that lost their lives during the battle.
Reconstruction This was a time period after the Civil War. The Union had to reconstruct and rebuild their trust with the South. The country was trying to start over.
13th Amendment This amendment was passed in 1864 and officially abolished slavery.
14th Amendment This was passed 1868 and it gave citizenship, equal rights, and protection of the laws to former slaves.
15th Amendment This was passed in 1870 and gave the right to vote to African-American men.
Completion of Transcontinental Railroad The transcontinental railroad was a railroad that ran from America's east coast to the west coast. There were many poeple working on this railroad and they put a lot of effort into it. it finally got completed in 1869.
Indian Wars America didn't want the indians any longer. We wanted the land that they were on so we said that they had to move to Canada or to a reservation. We tried to make them like us. But, the indians wanted to keep their traditions so that started a fight between us and them.
Gilded Age This time period was during the late 19th century. This was a time when intense economic growth started 30 years after reconstruction. Many people started to make the big bucks and money could run the world.
Populist Party This was organized in 1892. It was to represent the common folk so that their voices could be heard since the rich people were taking control.
Plessy v. Ferguson This was a court case in 1896. It started when Plessy ( African-American ) refused to sit in a Jim Crow Car. That broke a Louisiana law. The court case was constitutional that it should be "Separate but equal."
Passing the Constitution The Constitution had to be fixed a couple of times. There have been 27 amendments (changes) in the document. The first 10 are called the Bill of Rights. We have had two Constitutions and the document had to be changed to the point where it fits our country.
Adding the Bill of Rights The Bill of rights are the first 10 amendments to the constitution. It had to made so that our constitution is good for us. They were just 10 small changes that were made for our constitution.


Creating the Constitution
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Indentured Servants Vs. Slaves
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The Constitution and Bill of Rights
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Native American Tribes & Cultures
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Crusades, Trade, & the Plague
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Colonizing North America
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The Enlightenment
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Social Studies Flashcards
Early Presidencies of the United States
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