Respiratory system - Pharynx, larynx, and trachea


VMED 5132 (Test 2) FlashCards sobre Respiratory system - Pharynx, larynx, and trachea, criado por Diamond Sapphire em 07-10-2020.
Diamond Sapphire
FlashCards por Diamond Sapphire, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Diamond Sapphire
Criado por Diamond Sapphire quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
flattened conical chamber through which air and food pass pharynx
the pharynx is divided partially by the soft palate into ___ and ____ nasopharynx; oropharynx
the nasopharynx is lined with ___ epithelium respiratory
the oropharynx is lined by ___ ___ epithelium stratified squamous
what are the functions of the larynx? breathing, vocalization, and protection of the trachea against food aspiration
how is the tubular shape of the larynx is maintained? skeletal muscle and rings of cartilage
Elastic cartilage found in ___, ___, and ____ ____ epiglottis, cuneiform, corniculate processes
larynx lined by ___ epithelium except surfaces of vocal folds and epilgottis which are lined by ___ ___ epithelium respiratory; stratified squamous
flap of elastic cartilage that gets depressed during swallowing to conver the larynx epiglottis
funciton of the epiglottis to keep food from getting into the respiratory system
trachea begins at the end of the ___ larynx
what are the 6 cell types found in the tracheal epithelium? psudostratified ciliated columnar, goblet, basal, brush, club, and neuroendocrine
Where is the trachealis muscle found? bridges the gap between the free ends of the C-shaped cartilages of the trachea
in general, as conducting airways divide, becoming progressively smaller in diameter, the respiratory epithelium becomes ___ and with fewer ___ cells, ___ glands, and ___ cartilage; the elastic and smoother muscles ___ and ___ cells become more numerous shorter; goblet; fewer; less; increase; club
Stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, and everted laryngeal saccules brachiocephalic airway syndrome
caused by degeneration of tracheal cartilage; common in toy and miniature breeds tracheal collapse


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