Roman public health


Medicine through time flashcard deck
FlashCards por Rhiannahutchinson_99, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Rhiannahutchinson_99 mais de 9 anos atrás

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+ Aqueducts Carried fresh water for miles in towns
+ Resevoirs Held the water supply and distributed it to water supplies
+ Public fountains Provided water for drinking and washing, most people got water here
+ Forts Had their own bath house and latrine and many even had hospitals for soldiers
+ Public latrines Often flushed by water from public baths and drained into sewers
- Water pipes Made from lead or timber, many developed lead poisoning but they didnt know what was causing it due to lack of understanding
- Sewers Carried away waste from houses, latrines and baths, built from stones and depended on enough water to flush them out. If not disease spread
- Bath houses Public places for leisure, charging only a quadran, 5000 people used them a week but the water was only changed once every week


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