Computer Science Updated Information


FlashCards sobre Computer Science Updated Information, criado por Ron Free [Canarelli MS] em 11-10-2020.
Ron Free [Canarelli MS]
FlashCards por Ron Free [Canarelli MS], atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ron Free [Canarelli MS]
Criado por Ron Free [Canarelli MS] aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Computer Science The study of knowing why and how computers work. It includes the design of hardware and software, and how society is affected by the use of computers.
What is the purpose of creating a website for a school project? A website is a container to hold all the things for your project such as a report, images, slides, videos, articles, references, and links to other sites.
What is Front End Web Development? Constructing a website so a user can see and interact with it.
What are the 3 programming languages that is used in Front End web development? HTML CSS and Javascript
What is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language It is the "structure" language used for constructing a website
What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets It is the "style" language used for constructing a website
What is Javascript? It is a programming language that allows a user to "interact" with a website. For example, type an answer to a question, and you get a reply.


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