world war 1 key facts


key facts and terms worth learning for gcse
Hannah C
FlashCards por Hannah C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hannah C
Criado por Hannah C mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who sent who an ultimatum? Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum Serbia didnt complete the demands Austria declared war
what is an ultimatum? meet these demands or we will declare war
define militarism building up of armed forces getting ready for war
define alliances arguments and promises to defend and help other countries
define imperialism trying to build up an empire
define nationalism having pride in your country and willing to defend it
define propaganda material designed to influence your attitudes, beliefs and actions
3 points on why to build trenches 1) germans started it - they planned a quick victory 2) modern weapons needed to be kept there 3) neither side wanted to loose ground
define total war everyone/everything effected by war
how many women employed in 1914? 200,000
how many women employed in 1918? 950,000
how many plane raides? over 100
how many civilians killed in plane raids? 1500


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