Baldwin's Government 1924-29


A-Level History FlashCards sobre Baldwin's Government 1924-29 , criado por alinam em 04-05-2015.
FlashCards por alinam, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alinam mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How much did the Gold Standard devalue the £ by and in what year? 1925 by 10% 1: 4.86
Social Reform act expanding upon Llyod George's Widows, Orphans and Old Aged pensions insurance ... Aged 65+ pensions Passed by Chaimberlain 1925
Which economist opposed Churchills gold standard and what did he publish ? 1925 J. M. Keynes in THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF MR CHURCHILL Arguing it would lead to further unemployment and deflation - he was correct
Which year was the National Grid established ? 1926 - nationalisation of electricity
Franchise Act 1928 Granting "flappers" the right to vote as well as men aged 21+ gave the opportunity to 5+ million women
Which legistlation was passed following the General Strike of 1926? The Trades Disputes Act outlawing sympathetic strikes to prevent another potential strike happening again. Also 'opt in' policy for trade union funding to the Labour Party. (L saw as attack upon their Union rights)
1929 Chaimberlain's Local Government Act Abolished poor law and replaces with PAC's


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