

Georgia Bishop
FlashCards por Georgia Bishop, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Georgia Bishop
Criado por Georgia Bishop mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aim To test the reliability of classification system (DSM) Aim one: To see if sane individuals were diagnosed as insane Aim two: To see if insane individuals were diagnosed as sane
Sample 12 hospitals, 5 states. modern, old, well staffed, poorly staffed
confederates 5 males and 3 females various occupations Rosenhan himself was a confederate
Aim one: methodology Voices: empty hollow thud accurate account of life apart from name and occupation acted normally when admitted
Findings: Aim one 11 admitted with schizophrenia, 1 bi-polar 7-52 days incarcerated diagnosed as in-remission when released type 2 error, false positive
Aim 2: Methodology psychiatric teaching research hospital that was aware of the findings of the first experiment over 3 months pseudo patients will be sent (none were) each member of staff was asked the likelihood of the patients admitted being pseudo patients
Findings: Aim two 193 patients admitted 19 were thought to be pseudo patients by psychiatrist and one other staff member 23 - at least 1 psychiatrist 41- at least 2 members of staff false negative - type 1 error
Stickiness of labels taking notes was called pathological writing behaviour


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