The Holocaust


Flashcards on the causes of the holocaust
Caroline Ambrose
FlashCards por Caroline Ambrose, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caroline Ambrose
Criado por Caroline Ambrose quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are 2 things Hitler did that highlighted his anti-semitism? 25 Point Programme 1920, Mein Kampf 1925
What were Hitler's ideas the inspiration of? Ever radicalising Anti-Semitism
What do some Historian's argue about Hitler's role in the final solution? It is likely he agreed to it, but unlikely he had a clear plan
What had dangerous consequences for the Jews? The Aryan racial supremacy idea that developed in Germany
When and what was the Aktion T4 programme? 1939 - 'euthanasia' programme against disabled and mentally ill
The Madagascar plan was when and suggested what? 1940 - removal of 4 million Jews to Madagascar
Why was the Madagascar plan abandoned? It was seen as impractical
Who were the Einsatzgruppen? Part of the SS, death squads that were responsible for mass killings in WW2
When was the Wannsee conference and what did involve? 1942 - agreeing to the Final Solution
What happened in 1943-44? European Jews were transported to death camps
What happened in 1935 which removed Jews from German citizenship and banned intermarriages? Nuremburg Laws
When was the Reich Central Office for Emigration set up and by who? 1939, The SS
When was and what happened during Kristallnacht? 1938 - attack on Jewish businesses, 20,000 men sent to concentration camps
What, during the war, could be argued as increasing the radicalisation of anti-semitism and why? The invasion of Poland - 3 million Jews were there so consequently the 'problem' increased
During the war, how did the Einsatzgruppen carry out their massacres and when? Systematically and during/after invasions
How were people in ghettos treated, especially after the invasion of the USSR? Badly - the cost of feeding them was too great after the invasion
What happened as a result of the abandoned Madagascar plan? The final solution was drawn up
The state being chaotic meant what in relation to the holocaust? The chaotic decision making encouraged radical ideas and initiatives
Explain the argument for cumulative radicalisation At the start of the war the Jews were repressed but not subject to ghettos, as the war continued they were put into ghettos and then began being massacred by the Einsatzgruppen


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