Frankenstein Themes and Quotes


Quotes from critics relating to key themes and characters
FlashCards por mahin004, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mahin004 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
WOMEN "But his most self defining act transforms him definitively into Eve" Gilbert and Gubar "Such an insipid lot" Youngquist "Mothers in Frankenstein are categorically dead because their biological function is primordially defiled" Youngquist "A man who usurps the female role by giving birth" Barbara Johnson "not that she must fall but that, having been created, she is fallen" Gilbert and Gubar
SEXUALITY "Victor's most passionate relationships are with men rather than women" Anne Mellor
REVOLUTION Creature: 'an embodiment of the revolutionary French nation' Anne Mellor 'political allegory of the struggle between the bourgeois and the proletariat and the struggle between Victor and his monster parallels it' Gilbert 'The creature's failure to prosper and the havoc unleashed was evidence that Shelley was anti-revolution' Dr Sage
NATURE 'Nature both resists and revenges herself upon his attempts' Mellor
CREATURE 'the monster enacts in turn the roles of Adam and Satan, and even eventually hints at a sort of digression into the role of God' Gilbert and Gubar 'primordial innocence' Gilbert and Gubar
VICTOR 'Animate the lifeless clay'
SCIENCE Galvanism: Giovanni Aldini used electricity/galvanism to stimulate the muscles of the executed man (convicted murderer). Brannagh used a hanged murderer as the monster
POWER Hobbes imagined there was perpetual conflict in which every human being struggled for domination over others
NATURE VS NURTURE Rosseau believed a child should 'take his lessons from nature and not from men' and that 'there is no original perversity in the human heart' 'Treat a person ill and he will become wicked' P. Shelley (John Locke's 'tabula rasa')


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