Abnormal Psychology Models


assumptions of psychology models
Ells Boag
FlashCards por Ells Boag, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ells Boag
Criado por Ells Boag aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
PSYCHODYNAMIC APPROACH -Behaviour is driven by unconscious forces. -Mental disorders arise form unconscious conflicts from childhood- a critical period -Resolution occurs through accessing and coming to terms with repressed ideas and conflicts
COGNITIVE MODEL -All behaviour including maladaptive learnt -Maladaptive caused by faulty and irrational cognitions- how you think causes disorders -Individuals overcome mental disorders by learning more appropriate cognitions. -Aim to be positive and rational
BIOLOGICAL MODEL -Mental disorders have a physical cause -Regarded as illness; treated medically -Symptoms can be identified- diagnosis.
BEHAVIOURAL MODEL -All behaviour (inc. maladaptive) is learnt -Learning can be understood through principles of conditioning& modelling -What's learned can be unlearned by using the same principles. -Same laws apply to non human behaviour


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