
Processes that interact to produce your chosen extreme natural event
Yolanda He
FlashCards por Yolanda He, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yolanda He
Criado por Yolanda He aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Date of tsunami 26the of December 2004
Tectonic Plate names Indo-Australian plate & Burma plate
Location of epicenter 30 km below the Indian Ocean's surface
Location of Sumatara in relation to the earthquake The EQ happened 250 km off the west coast of Sumatra. Sumatra is the closest place to the earthquake's epicentre.
Depth of EQ The epicentre of EQ was 30 km below the Indian Ocean's Surface
Speed of waves 900km/hours
Direction waves travelled and countries affected Vertically spread out in all direction. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand
Height of waves The 30cm deep sea water waves became 20 m high when they crashed onto the beach.
Time taken to reach the shore The waves travelling east took only 30 minutes to reach Sumatra, closest to the earthquake's epicentre. Then continued across the Andaman Sea to Thailand


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