Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Origins and Meanings - Origins of the Universe and Humanity


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Origins and Meanings) FlashCards sobre Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Origins and Meanings - Origins of the Universe and Humanity, criado por Malachy Moran-Tun em 29-11-2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
FlashCards por Malachy Moran-Tun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Criado por Malachy Moran-Tun quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does Genesis 1 say about the Creation of the Universe? > God creates ex nihilo in 6 days > God spoke "let there be..." and there was > All that God made was good > Fixity of the Species - no evolution > Humans made Imago Dei
What does Genesis 2 say about the Creation of the Humans? > Adam made first > Everything for Adam > Eve made as a companion > Fixity of the Species - no evolution > Everything is perfect in the Garden of Eden
What are Fundamentalist Christian Beliefs about the Creation Stories? > Bible is the literal word of God > Historical event, scientifically true > Bible is inerrant (without error), God would not lie > Genesis literally true > Origin of the Universe IS God
What is the (main) Scientific Theory on the Origins on the Universe? > Big Bang Theory - the great show on Channel 4, with all the funnies and all the humours, yeah > An explosion that created the Universe from a point of singularity
Who are the Key Thinkers related to the Big Bang Theory? > Georges LeMaitre - Catholic priest who first proposed the theory > Stephen Hawking - Atheist cosmologist who developed the mathematics of the theory
What does Stephen Hawking say about the Big Bang Theory (including quote) > All that is needed for the Universe to create ITSELF out of nothing is: matter, energy and space "Because there are rules, such as gravity, the Universe CAN and WILL create ITSELF out of nothing" ~Hawking
What do Catholics say about the Origins of the Universe? > Agree with liberal Christians and interpret the Bible > Look for theological truths and do not see Genesis as scientifically accurate > Still room for God - He caused the Big Bang > Big Bang NEEDS a first cause - Thomas Aquinas' theological argument
Key Quotes to Support Catholic ideas on the Big Bang "There is no conflict between science and the doctrine of faith" ~Pope Pius XII "You, O' Lord, created this world from nothing; there is nothing that you cannot do" ~St. Augustine
What do the Genesis Creation Stories say about the Origins of Humans? > Fixity of Species - no evolution > Adam and Eve are made Imago Dei - complete, don't evolve
What does the Theory of Evolution teach about the Origins of Humans? > The process of change and adaptation over time, due to genetic mutation and survival of the fittest from changes in environments > Charles Darwin - Origins of Species > Don't need to argue that God made humans
What do Christian Fundamentalists say about Evolution? > Bible does NOT lie - inerrant (no errors) > Evolution did not happen - no mention of it (Fixity of the Species) > Genesis - human beings made complete and Imago Dei > Science must be rejected as it contradicts the Bible
What do a Catholics say about Evolution? > Genesis stories are theologically true not scientifically true > Pope John Paul II 'evolutoion is more than a hypothesis' meaning its fact > God can use the natural laws to allow humans to evolve - he made the laws. >It is possible to accept both science and the idea that humans are imago dei


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