Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - Avoiding Evil


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Good and Evil) FlashCards sobre Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - Avoiding Evil, criado por Malachy Moran-Tun em 29-11-2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
FlashCards por Malachy Moran-Tun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Criado por Malachy Moran-Tun quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the 5 Primary Precepts (rules) of Aquinas' Natural Law? W.O.R.L.D. 1. Worship God 2. Order Society 3. Reproduce 4. Learn and Develop 5. Defend the Innocent
What does Aquinas' Natural Law teach? > Humans should "do good and avoid evil" > Humans can work out what is right and wrong using reason > There are 5 primary precepts to follow > If something upholds these precepts, it is good, otherwise, it is evil
What does the Catholic Church teach about Following your Conscience? > Conscience is the "voice of God within us, helping us to work out right from wrong" > Thomas Aquinas says "to ignore conscience is a sin" > The conscience must be educated to teach right from wrong > You can educate the conscience by praying, reading the Bible, following the Magesterium's teachings and thinking about the consequences of an action
What Quotes support Following Your Conscience? "Informing the conscience is a lifelong task" ~ Catechism of the Catholic Church "The prudent man listens to his conscience" ~ Cardinal Newman
What 2 things does Jesus tell us to be? 1. Be salt for the Earth - preserve your moral good and add flavour to life 2. Be light for the World - guide others and use your gifts and talents for the good of others
What does Jesus' New Law teach compared to "Old Law"? > Root causes for the laws > Don't murder → don't be angry > Don't cheat → don't look with lust on another > Hate your enemies → love your enemies > "Eye for an eye" → "turn the other cheek"
What 7 things did Jesus say were "Blessed" on the Sermon on the Mount? 1. Those who mourn 2. The poor in spirit 3. The peacemakers 4. The pure in heart 5. Those wanting justice 6. The persecuted 7. The gentle
What happened on the Sermon on the Mount and how does it Contradict the World's Teachings? > Jesus gave a set of moral teachings > Called the "beatitudes" or "happy attitudes" (how creative!) > World teaches that the powerful, rich and rulemakers are blessed, Jesus: the opposite > Jesus shows us that the world's values bring more evil, whereas the beatitudes' values bring lasting goodness


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