Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - Catholic Responses to Suffering


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Good and Evil) FlashCards sobre Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - Catholic Responses to Suffering, criado por Malachy Moran-Tun em 29-11-2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
FlashCards por Malachy Moran-Tun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Criado por Malachy Moran-Tun quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a Pilgrimage? > Religious journey associated with Jesus, Mary, or a Saint > Pilgrimages help people to grow in faith; share their beliefs; join with others; ask for help or healing; journey with others and grow in holiness
What are General Catholic Responses to Suffering? > Prayer - either for others (intercession) or themselves (petition) > Action - supporting charities (e.g. CAFOD) ↳ Visiting the sick ↳ Showing kindness ↳ Helping and serving others ↳ Being compassionate
How is Lourdes a Response to Suffering? > People go to be healed > People go to help others > Special prayers are said, especially for the sick and suffering > Joins all people together as a united family > Often, those who have visited gain a deeper sense of gratitude and compassion
How is Lourdes a Place of Healing? > 1854 - Mary appeared to St. Bernadette > Mary said "I am the Immaculate Conception" > Mary told Bernadette to dig and bathe in the spring waters; build a church and bring people on pilgrimage > 69, nice, miracles have been officially verified
How to Catholics deal with Suffering through Jesus? > Jesus never explained why we suffer, but he set an example on how to deal with suffering > Popular Catholic devotion is the Rosary - set of meditations on the life of Jesus, accompanied by Catholic prayers > 5 Sorrowful Mysteries help Catholic Meditate on Jesus' suffering > Agony in the Garden; Scourging at the Pillar; Crowning with Thorns; Carrying the Cross and Death
What does Jesus' example in the Agony in the Garden teach Catholics about Suffering? > Teaches us that for good to be achieved, we may need to suffer > Should place our trust in God and follow his will
What does Jesus' example in the Scourging at the Pillar teach Catholics about Suffering? > Take comfort when we experience personal disappointments and sorrows
What does Jesus' example in the Crowning with Thorns teach Catholics about Suffering? > Like Jesus, we can bear patiently and forgive those who are cruel to us and mock us
What does Jesus' example in the Carrying of the Cross teach Catholics about Suffering? > We can strive to carry our own burdens, but also the burdens of others when possible
What does Jesus' example of Death teach Catholics about Suffering? > We will all face death, our own and those we love > We should place our lives in the hands of God


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