EdExcel GCSE - History - Weimar and Nazi Germany - The Reichstag Fire


GCSE History (Weimar and Nazi Germany ) FlashCards sobre EdExcel GCSE - History - Weimar and Nazi Germany - The Reichstag Fire, criado por Malachy Moran-Tun em 06-12-2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
FlashCards por Malachy Moran-Tun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Criado por Malachy Moran-Tun quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
When did Hitler become chancellor? 30th January 1933
What actions did Hitler first take after him becoming chancellor (up to 20th Feb)? > Called for new Reichstag elections in March within 24 hours of his appointment > 31st Jan - "Appeal to the German People": blamed the poor economic conditions on democracy and Communists > 4th Feb - Hitler got Hindenburg to pass a decree where all election meetings had to be notified to the police 48 hours in advance (this would allow the SA to rid political rivals) >20th Feb - Hitler met with 20 leading industrialists, promised 3 million Reichsmarks
What police powers did Goering put in place after Hitler's appointment as chancellor? > State of Prussia - Goering controlled the police > 17th Feb - Goering told police for that SA and Nationalist meetings were NOT to be restricted, Communist meetings were to be dealt with as severely as possible > 22nd Feb - Goering appointed members of the SA as police officers with the same free reign as the official force
When was the Reichstag Fire and who was blamed? > 27th February 1933, the Reichstag building was set on fire > Dutch Communist Marinus Van Der Lubbe was found and immediately arrested > Hitler claimed the Communists were plotting against his government > 1934 - Van Der Lubbe convicted of treason and executed
What was Hindenburg's response to the Reichstag Fire? > Some articles of the Constitution are suspended until further notice > Permissible to restrict personal freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom to organise and assemble > No privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephone communications > Warrants for house searches and confiscations
What were the concequences of Hindenburg's response to the Reichstag Fire? > Police power increases - able to search houses, confiscate property and detain people indefinitely > Death penalty for a wide range of crimes > Police could ban meetings, close newspapers, round up opponents to be sent to concentration camps and detention centres > While supposedly an emergency degree, it stayed in place for 12 years as the basis of Nazi rule


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