Chapter 5 - workplace organisation


FlashCards sobre Chapter 5 - workplace organisation, criado por Metallicaman971 em 15-10-2013.
FlashCards por Metallicaman971, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Metallicaman971 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is an Open plan office? A large room where several staff work at individual desks. The area may be subdivided with movable screens, but resources are shared (e.g. a printer)
What is a cellular office? Each individual has their own private room in which to work. They have their own resources e.g printer. Bad: 1)It is harder to monitor individual workers. 2) Since each room has to be built, with individual equipment, it can be very expensive. 3) Teamwork is much harder because everyone works behind closed doors. Good: 1)There is plenty of privacy, for both calls and anything on screen. 2) Concentration may be improved. 3) Things are less likely to be misplaced and/or lost.
What is flexitime? Is when an employee is allowed to vary their working schedule to fit in with their social and family requirements. They may have to add up to a certain number of hours a week. Good: 1) Commuting doesn't need to be done at the busiest of times. 2) Staff could be more motivated with more morale so would be more productive. 3) Allowing staff to do this would reduce the likelihood of getting stressed Bad: 1) May make it difficult to contact employees. 2)May lead to lack of staff.
What is video conferencing? It's when the use of computer's technology creates a video link between groups of people in different locations. Good: 1)Allows face-to-face conversations, allowing it to be easier to converse. 2) Meetings can take place almost anywhere - no need to travel to different places. 3)Time and money efficient. Bad: 1)The equipment can still expensive. 2) Bad wi-fi may be bad and so lead to bad connection. 3) Documents cannot be shared during the meeting.
What is teleconferencing? the use of telephone technology to conduct a meeting between groups of people in different locations. This can be a sound or video link
What is teleworking? Is when the use of computer and email facilities allows the worker to work from home
What is ergonomics? IS the science of designing the workplace so that it is both comfortable and safe for the employees
What are three advantages and disadvantages of an open plan office? Bad: 1) It is very difficult to get privacy. Work on screen may be confidential, and conversations may be overheard. 2) Concentration may be affected. There will be a lot of noise and activity, making it easy to be sidetracked and distracted. 3) Sharing printers may be more economical, but it can be time efficient if more than one person wants to print at one time. Good: 1) Can be efficient. If people are sharing equipment, this will save money. 2) Techniques can be learned from colleagues, as they are always surrounded by people with similar experience. 3) Being surrounded by other people and sometimes socialising with them may improve morale and motivation to work.


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