Unit 4: Climate and bioclimatic zones


3º de ESO Geografía FlashCards sobre Unit 4: Climate and bioclimatic zones, criado por Juan Fernandez Castillo em 10-01-2021.
Juan Fernandez Castillo
FlashCards por Juan Fernandez Castillo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Criado por Juan Fernandez Castillo quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
This diagram represents the composition of the atmosphere. What gas is the color purple? Oxygen
This diagram represents the composition of the atmosphere. What gas is the color orange? Nitrogen
You can see a jet plane, meteorological phenomena, vegetation... What is this layer of the atmoshphere? Troposphere
If you see this graph, are we talking about weather or climate? Climate
If you see this graph, are we talking about weather or climate? Weather
What are the elements of the climate? Temperature Precipitation Atmospheric Pressure Wind
In this image, how does the proximity of the sea affect the earth's temperature? The water takes a long time to cool down, so in winter, even if the land is cold, the water is not so cold. The air that comes from the sea increases the temperature of the land.
The equatorial climate is warm and rainy. Can you explain why? The area of ​​the equator receives more solar energy than any other, hence the heat. This heat causes a lot of evaporation, which in turn forms clouds, hence the rain.
What is the name of this utensil? Pluviometer
Say which of these images corresponds to high pressure and which to low pressure. Left: Low Pressure Right: High Pressure
In this image, what do the numbers 1 and 2 represent? Justify your answer 1) High Pressure: Isobars are wider (because there's little wind so weather is stable) and milibars are higher than 1013. 2) Low pressure: Isobars are together and narrower (because there's much wind so weather is unstable) and milibars are lower than 1013
What type of vegetation prevails in this picture? Woodlands or Forest
What type of vegetation prevails in this picture? Scrublands
What type of vegetation prevails in this picture? Grasslands


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