K101 Revision Notes


Flashcards to aid revision for K101 exams
Rae Leigh Cawley
FlashCards por Rae Leigh Cawley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rae Leigh Cawley
Criado por Rae Leigh Cawley mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who is a carer? The Department for Health, 2000, says: They spend significant proportion of their life providing support to a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse problems
What affects care relationships? Forbat, 2005, says: Care is influenced by the state of a relationship before care began as well as the nature, choice, and extent of external support provided
What is care? Tronto, 1993, says: It repairs, supports, and/or maintains a person's physical, mental or emotional health and wellbeing including their dignity, spiritual health and social needs.
What are the features of the sick role? Shillings, 2002, says: -Being ill is not the sick person's fault -They are obliged to be excused from normal daily living -They should seek and comply with professional advice
What is personalisation? The Community Care Act 1996: Where service users direct their care and have choice, flexibility and control over their care funds
What are the 7 stages of transition? Hopson, 1992, says - Numbness - Denial - Depression - Acceptance - Testing - Searching for meaning - Internalisation
What is assisted technology? World Health Organisation, 2014, says: Devices and systems that allow people to perform, or increase the ease or safety of, tasks they could not previously do
What are direct payments? Means-tested payments for service users to spend on services suitable to their needs
What are the 4 Health and Social Care inspectorates ? England= Care Quality Commission Scotland= Care Inspectorate Wales= Care and Social Services Inspectorate Northern Ireland= The Regulation and Quality Improvement Inspectorate
What is a total institution? Goffman, 1968, says: A place where people live and work separate from society following strict procedures that determine all aspects of their lives
What are the 5 principles of care? -Supporting to maximise potential -Having a voice and being heard -Right to appropriate services -Respect beliefs and preferences -Respect privacy and confidentiality
What is knowledge-based care? Lewis, 2001, says: Evidence + practice wisdom + service user and carer experiences and wishes = knowledge
What are the 5 rules for handling personal information? The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIE), 2013, says: 1) Confidential information should be treated respectfully 2) Information should only be shared if needed for safe/effective care 3) Information shared with a community should be anonymised 4) People's objections should be respected 5) Confidentially policies and procedures should be followed
What are the benefits of enabling environments? They facilitate key aspects of everyday living and allow people with disabilities to make choices and have control
How do institutions effect people? Barton , 1959, says they have: -Apathy -Lack of initiative -Lack of interest in the outside world -Submissiveness -Resignation
What are the 3 types of accommodation for people who cannot stay in their own homes? -Residential care homes -Nursing homes -Long-stay hospitals
What causes institutionalisation? Barton, 1959, says: -Loss of contact with friends and family -Loss of possessions and personal effects -Having nothing to do -Poor environment and furniture -Staff bossiness -Lack of prospects -Sedation drugs
What are the characteristics of total institutional? Goffman, 1968, says: -Inmate role -Batch living -Binary management -Institutional perspective
What is the inmate role? Where people are stripped of their previous identities and lives and new ones imposed on them by the institution
What is person-centred care? An approach that considers a person's needs as a whole- including their physical, social and psychological need
What are the 9 types of abuse? Physical Financial Sexual Emotional Discriminatory Neglect Acts of Omission Psychological Material
What are the 4 types of accountability? Professional Personal Employee Real
What are the 4 eligibility levels for social care funding? Fair Access to Care Assessment: - Critical risk- immediate risk to independence and safety - Substantial risk- significant risk to independence and safety -Moderate risk- some risk to independence -Low risk- no risk to independence
How do people being cared for by their family feel? They are a burden They are afraid of the future/ being put into a care home They feel isolated They have fewer choices
What are attitudinal barriers? The views that people without disabilities have about what people with disabilities can and cannot do, which may be internalised by them creating further barriers
What is batch living? Where people are all treated equally not as individuals and have little freedom to be otherwise
What is the sick role? Talcott Parsons, says: when people accept you are ill, they make allowances for you but you must behave in a certain way in order to recover
For what reasons do local authorities provide people with social care? -Mental, emotional and physical wellbeing -Exercising their right to choice and control -Personal dignity and respect -Quality of life -Making a positive contribution -Economic wellbeing
What are environmental barriers? The design and layout of buildings and communities that constrain people
What is abuse and how does it happen? Gaylard, 2011, says: -Negligent, ignorant or deliberate acts -Single or repeated acts -Significant harm or exploitation -Human/ civil rights violations
What are the psychological characteristics of care environments? What places mean to people and how they make them feel including feeling comfortable and cared for
What are the negatives about protocols and guidelines? -Deskills workforce -Developed to prevent litigation -Restricts professional judgements and flexibility -Makes care less individualised
What are structural barriers? Society's cultures and ideologies as well as legal and moral frameworks that shape people with disabilities' experiences
How can organisations make care safer? By ensuring staff are: -Properly training and made accountable -Have the right information -Offer care that works, not harms -Understand policies and procedures -Understand confidentiality and information sharing -Are supported and monitored
What are the drawbacks of paperwork? Warmington et al, 2014, says: -It's designed to prevent litigation -It takes too much time so carers are torn between it and caring for people -It prevents carers developing real relationships with people
What are the advantages of electronic record keeping? -Improved patient access to records and the relationship with care provider -Being on the internet minimises opportunities for records being lost -Patients have more choice and control on their treatment -Patients can get same treatment away from home -Easier to make practitioners accountable through equal access
What are the limitations of evidence-based care? -What is best may not be best for everyone -What is best may not be acceptable to everyone -Missing evidence -EBC rarely empowers service users -EBC devalues practitioners skills and experiences -EBC changes often so is hard to stay up to date with
What are the physical characteristics of care environments? The design and structural features including what they look like, whether they are open-plan and have private spaces
What is explicit consent? When a person knows what they are agreeing to and have given their consent to it
How do people depersonalise others? Lee Trewick, 1994 says -Not acknowledging them when entering/leaving their premises -Talking about them as if they're not there -Restraining them, telling them off, punishing them and making fun of them -Ignoring their spatial rights and handling them without permission
What is implied consent? When a person has not actually agreed to information being shared but their behaviour says they know it will be and agree to it
What are the benefits of evidence-based care? -Practices are based on what is likely to work not outdated methods -Carers can stay current and not have to rely on previous training -Expert summaries help carers with time constraints -Gives explanations for service users if they're unwilling to trust practitioner knowledge
What are the benefits of good record keeping? -Helps carers remember past actions or future plans -Prevents service users histories being forgotten -Informs service users what service they are receiving and what has happened to them
What are the social characteristics of care environments? How places are used, organised by and for people including the roles of different people i.e. staff and visitors and how well they can interact
What are the health and safety risks for care practitioners? Health & Safety Executive, 2014, says: -slips, trips, and falls from uneven surfaces and poorly lit areas and trailing cables -musculoskeletal disorders i.e. sprains and strains from lifting and carrying or repetitive movements -stress from too much work, conflicting demands, work pressure
What are the disadvantages of electronic records? -Securing breaches from hackers -System breakdown can loose data or make it unavailable when needed -expensive to set up and train staff -takes time to convert paper records -easier access can make people more anxious about their condition
How can transitions be made more positive? Petch, 2009, says: -Being involved in decision making process -Visiting place -Giving information incl. photographs to review options -Taking personal effects and recreating their lives in new setting -Discuss financial control -Being supported during transition -Considering cultural needs
What is the biopsychosocial model of illness? When care is provided that considers the physical, social and psychological aspects of the illness
What is the institutional perspective? How staff and inmates experience and understand their lives through activities and experiences that have created their sense of community
How do people adjust to institutional life? -By fighting back/ becoming rebellious -By isolating themselves or becoming socially withdrawn -By pretending to follow the rules -By accepting people's views of them
What is binary management? Where staff and inmates are controlled and separated by different rules so are suspicious of each other, with staff feeling superior and inmates inferior
What are barriers to communication? -Attitudes towards people i.e. stereotypes -Physical barriers i.e. counters -Emotional barriers i.e. stress -Cultural & language barriers
What are the criteria for claiming Carer's Allowance? Care must be 35+ hrs per week Person being cared for must be a UK resident, and, be 65+ with attendance allowance or have substantial needs Person doing the caring must be 16+ and not a student
Why is it difficult to identify carers? -Caring 'creeps up' on people -It is often hidden from other people -People resist the label of being 'a carer' or 'a person being cared for' -Measuring the amount of care given is hard if needs fluctuate or more than one person provides care
What is the biomedical model of illness? When people compare the body to a machine to be fixed when something has gone wrong
How has care changed? Biomedical to Biopsychosocial Medical - Social Model Poverty to Plenty (diseases) Physical to Psychological (illnesses) Technology gives equal access
What are the benefits of direct payments? -Person being cared for has choice and control on who cares for them -Instructions do not need to be repeated each visit -Carers have move empathy and understanding of needs -Visit times can be easily changed to suit both parties
How do people move into health & social care settings? -Daily i.e. Day centres -Occasionally i.e. Respite care -Short-term i.e. Foster care (time-limited) -Long-term i.e. Care home
What is confidentiality and when can it be breached? Sensitive information that has not been made public and the person gave the information in a setting where they did not expect it to be passed on Breach = if to prevent harm or if the information is demanded by a court of law


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