AS politics


A level politics FlashCards sobre AS politics, criado por Cyd em 28-05-2015.
FlashCards por Cyd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Cyd quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
2015 election turnout 66.1%
party membership 1980=4.12% 2008=0.95%
a referendum with a close outcome welsh devolution 1997 yes=50.5% no=49.5%
what referendum took place in 1998? Good Friday agreement
turnout 2001 59%
referendum in 1975 whether to stay in the European community=yes
referendum 1998 referendum for an elected mayor in London
2004 whether to introduce an assembly in Northeast England
1997 Welsh and Scottish devolution
2011 AV referendum=no
proportion of seats 1983 liberal alliance 25.4% vote= 3% of seats
examples for FPTP 2005 labour won 355 seats with only 35.2% of popular vote
Regional list examples European parliament 2009 UKIP gained 18% vote and 19% of seats
European elections 2009 UKIP=11 seats
2010 elections conservatives won 36% vote=47% of seats
women candidates 24.1% of conservtive candidates
Welsh assembly 2011 labour=42% vote=50% of seats
promotional groups friends of the earth unlock democracy amnesty international
Sectional groups National union of students Royal college of nurses
insider groups National union of farmers RSPCA NSPCC
Outsider groups Greenpeace plane stupid exit
AV referndum 68% of the 42.4% that voted, voted against the electoral change
2015 FPTP UKIP=1 seat with 12.7% of national vote SNP=56 with 4.8% of national vote
tyranny of the majority example referendum California 2008 outlawing civil partnerships


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