Criado por Mallory Richards
aproximadamente 4 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
what does the federal/national government do | decides which behaviours constitute criminal offences ex. national defence laws, criminal justice, postal service |
what does "bi cameral" mean, give examples | federal ex. national defence laws, criminal justice, postal service |
what does the provincial/territorial government do | responsible for law enforcement and administrating the justice system |
what does "unicameral" mean, give examples | provincial, ex. healthcare coverage, alcohol laws, transportation, education |
define adversarial system | system of justice based on two opposing sides, the prosecution and defence, arguing the guilt or innocence in front of judge/jury |
define "inquistorial system" | a judge /panel of judges assume the role of investigating the crime |
why do people critique the adversarial system | 1.leads to injustice-lots of cases are resolved by throwing $ at it 2. arguments become more compelling than evidence 3. accessibility- better lawyers cost more |
what is crime control model | an orientation to criminal justice in which the protection of the community and apprehension are paramount |
what is the due process model | an orientation to criminal justice in which the legal rights of individual citizens, including crime suspects, are paramount |
restorative justice | providing an opportunity for the parties directly affected by the crime – victims, offenders and communities – to identify and address their needs in the aftermath of the crime / crime against another person/ taking accountability, taking action to fix harm, focus on problem solving and future |
retributive justice | that those who commit certain kinds of wrongful acts, paradigmatically serious crimes, morally deserve to suffer a proportionate punishment; accountability- taking punishment crime= against state |
discretion | the power or right to decide or act according to ones own judgement |
racism | prejudice/discrimination towards someone of a different race, based on belief that one's race is better |
prejudice | is unsubstained, negative pre-judgement of individuals or groups |
discrimination | is an action or decision that treats a person or group negatively for reasons such as race, sex, age |
racialized | persons who are non caucasian or non white in colour |
racialization | the process by which societies construct races as real ,different and unequal in ways that matter to economic political and social life |
racial profiling | any action undertaken for reasons of safety/security, relying on stereotypes about certain groups/people rather than an individual activity |
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