June Exam Flash Cards


Reformation, Renaissance
FlashCards por gisellagoodger, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por gisellagoodger mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are three examples of Protestant religions? Baptist, Lutheran, Anglican, United, Presbyterian, Mennonite, & Methodist
Calculate how many km are represented by a cm if the ratio is 1:25 000 000? 25 000 000/5 decimal places = 250 km
What are the worlds continents? North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa & Antarctica.
What are the worlds oceans? Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic & Southern.
What are the reasons for the growth and trade in the later Middle Ages? 1. Encouraged by the Crusades. 2. decline of feudal warfare made it safer to travel. 3. New & better products were being produced.
How did geography affect the location of towns in Europe & the Middle East. They had to be near a water source & trade routes.
How did trade affect the growth of the Renaissance? Where ever the trades went people went, so towns would be filled with more people.
When was the Renaissance? 1300-1600 AD
What is the origin & meaning of the word Renaissance? It is French for to be REBORN.
Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? Italy had great wealth from the commerce & trade of the Middle Ages.
What are Renaissance men developed in? BODY, MIND, & SOUL
What is the definition of humanism? an outlook or system of thought having prime importance for human beings rather than divine/supernatural matters.
How did humanism affect art? new subjects, such as everyday people were being painted & self portraits were being painted.


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