Liberal Reforms


One government that is often seen as an example of 'reforming' by introducing positive changes that really improve peoples' lives is the Liberal government in Britain of 1906-1914. Many historians label this period the beginning of the welfare state, but what were the reforms and who did they help?
FlashCards por bella.mort, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por bella.mort quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Free school meals, 1906 Local councils could provide free school meals to children from poor families
School Medial Inspections, 1907 Doctors went into schools and gave pupils free medical checks
Old Age Pensions Act, 1908 The scheme was set up for people over the age of 70 to receive a pension
Children and Young Persons Act, 1908 This protected children from any abuse or cruelty
Labour Exchanges Act, 1909 This was a scheme where the unemployed could find jobs
National Insurance Act (Part 1) This was set up so if workers fell ill they could still receive money
National Insurance Act (Part 2), 1911 Thi scheme was set up to ensure workers still received money if they found themselves unemployed
School clinics, 1912 School clinics provided free treatment for children whose family could not afford it


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