Taxonomy Families


Having trouble remembering 15 families well here are the flash cards for them.
Dani T
FlashCards por Dani T, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dani T
Criado por Dani T mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Saxifragaceae Formula: Similar to Rosaceae
Cruciferae Formula: Ca4 Co4 S4+2 p(2) Auriculate leaves
Liliaceae Formula: Ca3 Co3 S6 p(3) monocot
Polygonaceae Ca3 Co3 S2-9 p1 Dicot
Ranunculaceae Formula: similar to Rosaceae Has no hypanthium
Boraginaceae Formula: Ca5u Co(5) S5op p(4) regular flower
Onagraceae Formula: Ca4 Co4 S8 P(4)in stigma split into 4
Cornaceae Formula: Ca4 Co4 S4 p(4)in woody Inferior ovary
Rosaceae Formula: Ca5 Co5 S-infinate p-in Ca5 Co5 S-infinante p 1-infinante
Labiatae Formula: Ca5 Co5z S5op p(4) irregular flowers square stems
Fumariaceae Formula: Ca2 Co(4)irr S3+3op P1
Geraniaceae Formula: Ca5 Co5 S5-10 P(5) 5 carpels Palmate leaves
Linaceae Formula: Ca5 Co5 S5) P(5) United at the base = stamens
Polemoniaceae Formula: Ca5 Co(5) S5op P(3) united flowers
Compositae Characteristics: Rays and Disk flowers pappus chaff involucral bract
Solanaceae Formula: Ca5 Co(5) S5op P(2)
Leguminosae Formula: Ca5 Co5ir S100 or 9+1 or 10 P1 irregular flower
Portulacaceae Formula: Ca2 Co5 S2-infin. alt P1 to 2 Stigmas are fur-like at the top
Scrophulariceae Formula: Ca5 Co(5)ir. S2+2+1op P(2) irregular flower Anther dehiseat petals united
Hydrophyllaceae Formula: Ca5 Co(5) S5op P(1 to 2)
Orchidaceae Ca3 Co3 S2-3 P(3)in.
Labiatae Ca5 Co(5)ir S5op P(4) lobed
Malvaceae Ca5 Co5-in S(in)p(1-in:1-5)


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