246 L7


PSY246 FlashCards sobre 246 L7, criado por mark k em 15-06-2015.
mark k
FlashCards por mark k, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mark k
Criado por mark k mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Hierarchical network model -Cognitive economy -Property stored nonredundantly at highest/most general level EVIDENCE: increasing levels of separation of concepts increased RT
Semantic memory experiment methods Sentence verification task DV:RT
Problems with hierarchical network model -RT does not mirror hierarchical relationship eg. dog is animal < dog is a mammal -Doesn't predict typicality effects: Canary is a bird < ostrich is a bird -Predicts faster negative judgements for closer concepts, but opposite is true Canary is salmon < canary is ostrich ==Frequency of association model
Spreading activation model activation of a concept spreads to other concepts linked to it -Non hierarchical -Explains lack of hierarchy effect -Links vary in strength -Explains typicality -Explains semantic priming
Feature comparison model -Knowledge is represented as distributed features in semantic space -Multidimensional scaling -Ss rate how similar pairs of concepts are eg. sheep-goat, sheep-lion - data presented across underlying dimensions (can be numerous dimensions ie. size, yellowness etc)
Defining chars Vs Characteristic chars (feature comparison model) Defining: essential Characteristic: less important
Linguistic hedges Features represented by predicate noun ie. "technically" chicken is bird (defining) "loosely speaking" bad is a bird (characteristic)
Feature comparison model: Two-stage decision process 1) look at characteristic features, if most are true or false we can quickly decide - if not then: 2) Go to 2nd level and compare defining features Explains: Typicality effect (on positive decisions) Similarity effect (on negative decisions)
Problems with feature comparison Clear definition of XX characteristics is lacking
Distributed plus hub (Patterson, et al 2007) Delayed copy drawings, -drew general characteristics of animals minus specific details =four legged duck Coloured pumpkin Summary -There is a hub for each concept/object along with distributed modality-specific information -Why hubs? -Efficient way of integrating knowledge of specific concepts -Simplify detection of semantic similarities across concepts which may differ greatly in modality-specific attributes -Concept hubs are stored in the anterior temporal lobes (ATL) -Degeneration of ATL is "invariably evident" in SD patients
Interactive activation model 1) Feature level 2)Letter level 3)Word level excitory and inhibitory feedback


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