

FlashCards sobre Exceptions, criado por alim586 em 19-06-2015.
FlashCards por alim586, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alim586 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
All types of exception are subclass of ... java.lang.Throwable
The ... block executes regardless of whether the ... block throws an ... finally, try, exception
true or false for the try block, you can define only single catch block, and multiple finally blocks false
A finally block is used to define ... code - code that closes and releases resources, such as file handlers and database or network connection cleanup code
Is it possible to define a finally block before a catch block ? No, compilation error
if a catch block returns a primitive data type, the finally block ... modify the value being returned can't modify
if a catch block returns an object, the finally block ... modify the value being returned can modify
Can an exception or error be rethrowen? yes
True or false Unhandled exceptions thrown by an inner exception handler are passed on to the outer try-catch block to handle true
Exceptions can be divided into three categorie Checked exceptions Unchecked exceptions (Runtime exceptions) Errors
What is a checked exception ? Is an unacceptable condition foreseen by the author of the method but outside the immediate control of the code.
A checked exception is s subclass of ... java.lang.Exception
What is a runtime exception? is a representation of a programming error. These occur from inappropriate use of another piece of code.
A Unchecked exception is a subclass of .. java.lang.RuntimeException
Is a runtime exception a part of the method signature? Not always
what's an error? A serious exception thrown by the JVM as a result of an error in the environment state that processes your code
An error is a subclass of class ... java.lang.Error
Does an error need to be a part of a method signature? N O
Can you catch an Error? yes, but you shouldn't handle errors in your code
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a.. Thrown when .. Runtime exception, derived from IndexOutOfBoundsException. When a piece of code tries to access an array out of its bounds
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException is a.. Thrown when.. Runtime exception. When a piece of code tries to access an list using a illegal index
java.lang.ClassCastException is a .. Thrown when .. Runtime exception When an object fails an IS-A test with the class type to which it's casting
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is a.. Thrown when .. Runtime exception to specify that a method has passed illegal or inappropriate arguments
java.lang.IllegalStateException is a .. Thrown when .. Runtime exception a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time
NullPointerException is a .. Thrown when .. Runtime exception a method or a variable with a null value is accessed
NumberFormatException is a .. Thrown when .. Runtime exception an appropriate format to one of the numeric types
ExceptionInInitializerError is a .. Thrown when .. Error by the JVM when a static initializer in a code throws any of RuntimeException
A ExceptionInInitializerError can only be caused by a .. RuntimeException
Can you throw an unhandled checked exception from a static initializer ? No
StackOverflowError is a .. Occurs when .. Error, derived from VirtualMachineError when a program calls itself so many times that the memory allocated to execute the Java program "overflows"
NoClassDefFoundError is a .. Occurs when .. Error, derived from LinkageError you failed to set your class path and, as a result, the JVM was unable to load the class that you wanted to access or to execute Or you run your application before compiling it
OutOfMemoryError is a .. Occurs when .. Error, derives from VirtualMachineError When the JVM run out of memory on the heap, and the garbage collector may not be able to free memory for the JVM


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