PA Building Codes Illustrated: Special Uses & Occupancies


ch 4
Kara Biczykowski
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Kara Biczykowski
Criado por Kara Biczykowski aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

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1) special use & occupancies aren't determined by use but: 2) how does the code respond to these new types of bldgs? 3) what is different about special use & occupancies compared to standard occ. classifications? 1) their configurations 2) begin w/ addressing them on a case-by-case basis & as they become more prevalent, the code collects info how different jurisdictions have addressed the new bldg types 3) provisions meant to apply over & abv the other provisions applicable to their occ. classification
EX OF BLDG TYPES W/ SPECIAL USE 1) covered & open malls 2) high-rise bldgs 3) atriums 4) underground bldgs 5) motor-vehicle related occupancies 6) institutional groups I-2 & I-3 7) motion-picture projection rooms 8) stages & platforms 9) special amusement bldgs 10) aircraft-related occupancies 11) hazardous materials 12) application of flammable finishes 13) drying rooms 14) organic coatings 15) live/work units
EX OF BLDG TYPES W/ SPECIAL USE CONT 16) special req.'s for I-1, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 17) hydrogen fuel gas rooms 18) ambulatory care facilities 19) storm shelters 20) children's play structures 21) hyperbaric facilities 22) combustible dusts, grain processing, & storage
COVERED MALLS 1) a roofed/covered ped. area into which 2 or more tenants have main entrances 2) limited to 3 levels abv grade 3) malls w/ more than 2 interconnected stories need a smoke ctrl system 4) anchor bldgs have own separate exits 5) anchor bldgs are not considered part of covered mall bldg 6) it is a single enclosure housing stores, restaurants & other facilities that ea. have a main entrance onto the mall 7) food court is a public seating area serving adj food prep tenants
OPEN MALLS 1) is an unroofed common ped. way serving multiple tenants not abv 3 levels 2) 20ft min clear opening btwn roof extensions into an open mall 3) 20ft min clear opening btwn balcony extensions into an open mall 4) anchor bldgs not part of open mall & are to be outside of open mall perimeter 5) assembly occ. w/ 500/+to be located in the covered mall bldg w/ main entrance immediately adj to principal mall entrance -main exits may open into central open mall area -not less than 1/2 of assembly area means of egress width is to open directly to the exterior of the covered mall bldg
OPEN MALLS CONT' 6) when travel distance to the mall from inside a tenant space is > 75ft or tenant space has occ. load of 50 or more, 2 means of egress are to be provided -2nd egress could be directly to the outside or into a rated corridor or exit passage 7) (exception) tenant spaces attached to mall bldg but having a means of egress system independent aren't considered as gross leasable area for occ. load calcs - don't contribute any load to mall egress
1) gross leasable area (GLA) is the total: 2) GLA is measured from: 3) all tenant areas + areas for (___) are included in GLA 1) floor area available for tenant occ. 2) the centerlines of joint partitions to the outside of tenant walls 3) areas for storage
1) calc Occ. Load Factor (OLF) for a -retail gross leasable area = 200,000sf -a food court of 5,000sf -fixed seating assembly for 500 (included in GLA) 1) OLF of mall = (0.00007)(GLA) + 25 OLF = (0.00007)(200,000) + 25 = 39sf per occupant 2) occ. food court (use code table 1004.1.2) = 15sf net per occ. so: 5,000sf / 15sf per occupant = 334 occ. 3) total occ. load = (200,000/39) + 334 = 5,129 + 334 = 5,463 occupants
GENERAL CODE RULES FOR MALLS 1) min width of exit passageways is 66" 2) max distance of travel from any pt to an exit is 200ft 3) pkg structures must be separated from mall by const. type (fire-resistance 2hr) or w/ a distance according to table 602 4) max distance traveled in tenant space to exit/entrance of mall is 200ft, if travel distance exceeds 75ft or occ. load more than 49, a 2nd exit from tenant space req. 5) bldg area separated from other bldgs by 60ft; allows mall & anchor bldgs all but Type V const.
GENERAL CODE RULES FOR MALLS 6) exception to 60ft, 40ft allowed along no more than 75% of perimeter of entire facility (mall + anchors) 7) ^ exterior walls & openings facing reduced open space need 3hr rating 8) no E, H, I, R occupancies can be w/in facility if it utilizes reduced distances 9) malls to be min 20ft wide or more depending on occ. load 10) ^min 10ft space clear btwn tenant & obstruction; so if kiosk, bench, etc placed in middle, path needs to widen 11) kiosks need 20ft separation horiz.
GENERAL CODE RULES FOR MALLS 12) 1 hr fire partitions btwn tenants, none needed btwn tenant & mall (storefront), not needed for exterior wall 13) 3hr fire wall btwn mall & anchor or 2hr if anchor 3 or less floors 14) ^b/c mall is considered a corridor, not req.'d a rating if 20ft or wider 15) need a central fire dept operation area 16) emergency voice/alarm communication system w/ standby power is req. for malls exceeding 50,000sf -etc etc etc read code for more
HIGH RISE BLDGS 1) the criteria for determining if a bldg is a high-rise is measured to the: 2) definition of high-rise bldg (403) is based on height that typ fire dept: 3) firefighting in a high-rise assumes that the firefighters must: 1) highest occupied floor, not height of the bldg const. 2) extension ladders & hose streams can effectively fight a fire (bldg more than 75ft abv lowest level of fire-dept access is a high-rise bldg) 3) enter the bldg & go up inside to fight the fire
HIGH RISE BLDGS 1) a subset of req.'s for "super high-rise" bldgs taller than (___) has been added 2) code req.'s for high-rises are a combo of measures both: 1) 420 ft; provisions found in section 403 2) passive & active
HIGH RISE BLDGS GEN CODE GUIDE 1) emergency phones every 5th floor in each locked stairways 2) emergency responder radio coverage is to be provided 3) bldgs must be constructed of noncombustible mat.'s 4) shafts/vert penetrations must be enclosed to prevent fire/smoke spread 5) auto fire sprinklers must be installed 6) in seismic design categories: 2nd water supply (top) to supply req.'d hydraulic sprinkler demand up to 30min 7) req.'s smoke detectors connected to auto fire alarm system 8) 1hr fire resistant shafts allowed when sprinklers at top & alt floor levels (not for bldgs over 420ft/other criteria see code)
HIGH RISE BLDGS GEN CODE GUIDE 9) req. emergency voice/alarm comm. system activated w/ operation of auto fire detector/alarms/sprinklers 10) fire-fighting command center req.'d 11) req.'s stairway doors locked from stairway side able to be unlocked from fire command center 12) req.'s standby & emergency power systems to be located in separate rooms enclosed w/ 2hr fire barrier & fueled by 2hr supply of on-site fuel
HIGH RISE BLDGS GEN CODE GUIDE 13) stair enclosures are to be separated by min 30ft or not less than 1/4 of length of max diagonal bldg dim (2 stairs must meet criteria when 3) 14) high-rises more than 120ft, min 2 fire-service access elevators needed (this can eliminate need for 3rd egress stair) 15) min bond strength of fire-resistant mat.'s vary w/ height; break at 420ft 16) bldgs more than 420ft or those in risk categories III & IV need a hardened exit & elevator shaft (concrete or masonry) 17) 3rd egress stair req.'d for bldgs other than R-2 taller than 420ft 18) bldgs taller than 420ft need 2 sprinkler risers w/ supply on alt floors
ATRIUMS 1) an atrium is an opening connecting 2 or more floor levels closed at the top 2) rely both on active & passive fire safety 3) travel distance through atrium can't exceed 200ft 4) bldgs req.'d to be fully sprinklered 5) opens into atrium can be glazed if special fire-sprinkler protection provided 6) atriums connecting 2/+ stories req.'d to have smoke mgmt systems
ATRIUMS 1-4) defined by what they are not 1) bldg wrapped around an open space create a court 2) balconies in assembly areas/mezzanines don't create an atrium 3) bldgs w/ 2-3 levels of opening meeting criteria for covered mall are not intended to overlap w/ atrium criteria 4)series of openings through floors enclosed by a shaft don't create atriums
ATRIUM GEN CODE 1) req.'s auto fire-sprinkler system 2) is adj portion of bldg or abv atrium is separated by 2hr fire barriers, sprinkler req. doesn't apply to that portion 3) auto sprinkler protection for ceiling of atrium not req.'d if ceiling >55ft 4) req.'s a fire alarm system 5) req.'s smoke-ctrl system to keep atrium clear of smoke to use as means of egress 6) needs means to exhaust air for smoke-ctrl system 7) 1hr fire barrier walls req.'d to adj space 8) glass walls btwn atrium & adj space allowed if ok to get wet from auto sprinklers spaced along 6ft o.c. at 4"-12" away from glass
ATRIUM GEN CODE 9) 1hr protection can be omitted for adj space of 3 floors worth if they assist in atrium design smoke ctrl system 10) req.'d emergency standby to power smoke ctrl system 11) 2-story atrium doesn't req. smoke ctrl unless I-1 condition 1 or I-2 occ. 12) req.'d means to allow air in for smoke-ctrl system as make-up air for exhaust 13) exit-access travel distance limit of 200ft, where travel begins other than level of exit discharge (see code for further variations)
MOTOR-VEHICLE-RELATED OCC. 1-4) related uses break down into 4 general categories: 1) private garages / carports 2) public parking garages (2a-open pkg garage vs 2b enclosed pkg garage) 3) motor-fuel dispensing stations 4) repair garages
PRIVATE GARAGES / CARPORTS 1) typ considered group-U occ. w/ 1 & 2 family dwellings & regulated by IRC 2) 1,000sf max for private garage 3) 1hr fire barrier min btwn private garages 4) 7ft min clear height 5) enclosed garage abutting house needs min one layer 1/2" gyp brd on garage side & min 5/8" type-X gyp brd at ceiling 6) doors btwn garage & house to be solid wd / solid-core drs min 1-3/8" 7) dr to be self-closing & self-latching
OPEN PARKING GARAGES 1) classified typ as group S-2 2) no repairs take place here 3) need to be type I, II, or IV const. = so amt & distribution of openings are spec'd 4) no mech ventilation req.'d b/c openings distributed to provide cross-ventilation 5) req.'s guards & vehicle barrier systems at end of drive lane & pkg spaces more than 1ft abv adj grade 6) where ped. & vehicles move through space, min of 7ft (excludes mech spaces), but higher for accessibility vans 7) req.'s 2 or more uniformly distributed openings on 2 or more sides for natural ventilation
OPEN PARKING GARAGES 8) length of openings on tier must be min 40% of total perimeter tier, interior walls min 20% open (uniformly) 9) openings on 3rd side not req., but good for cross ventilation 10) table 406.5.4 determines allowable floor areas & heights of open pkg garages to const. type 11) standpipes req.'d 12) vehicle ramps not for ped. ramps unless ped. ramp provided & car ramp less than 1:15 slope (6.67%) 13) calc. opening percentage: h x (opening 1+2+3+4) >/= 20% of [H x (2W + 2L)]
ENCLOSED PARKING GARAGES 1) mech ventilation is req.'d to compensate for lack of cross-ventilation 2) means to get fresh air in for mech ventilation req.'d 3) sprinklered 4) 7ft min clear height at ea. floor level 5) allowable heights & areas limited to allowable heights & areas specified in 504 & 506 as modified by 507 6) means to get exhaust air out for mech ventilation
MOTOR-VEHICLE SERVICE STATIONS 1) typ classified as group-M occ. but may req. additional const. detail req.'s to meet fire code 2) canopies clear height min of 13'-6" to lowest projecting element for vehicles to pass underneath REPAIR GARAGES 1) to be sprinklered in the hazardous area 2) considered as group-S-1 occ. when don't use/store hazardous mat.'s in quantities sufficient to classify as group-H 3) S-1 occ. may be treated as nonseparated occ., but H always req.'s fire barrier separation
GROUP-I-2 OCCUPANCY 1) include nursing homes & hospitals; serving populations not capable of self-preservation in emergency (condition 1 also includes foster care) 2) corridor walls to be built as smoke partitions 3) corridor doors don't need fire rating but to be smoke barriers w/ positive latch 4) waiting area to be built as req.'d for a corridor & meet criteria blw: 4a) doesn't serve as patient sleeping/treatment rm or house a hazardous use 4b) protected by auto fire detection 4c) corridor in same smoke compartment has auto smoke detection/ sprinklers 4d) space arrangement can't obstruct access to req.'d exits
GROUP-I-2 OCCUPANCY 1) shared living/meeting space can be open to corridor if criteria blw is met: 1a) walls & ceilings are constructed as req.'d for corridors 1b) spaces don't serve as patient sleeping/ treatment rooms/ hazardous uses 1c) area is protected by auto fire protection 1d) corridor in the same smoke compartment is protected by auto smoke detection / sprinklers 1e) space arrangement can't obstruct access to req.'d exits
GROUP-I-2 OCCUPANCY - shared/dining space w/ cooking facility 1) domestic ventilating hood over cooktop/range 2) one cooking facility per smoke compartment 3) cooking facility equip limit to ovens, ranges, cooktops, microwaves, warmers 4) max of 30 care recipients per cooking facility 5) clear egress paths to req.'d exits 6) corridor identified by const. mat.'s like flooring pattern, color, mat. etc
LIVE-WORK UNITS 1) typ classified as R-2 occ. 2) 3,000sf max 3) fire alarms & sprinklers req.'d 4) in non-resi area max 5 employees 5) non-resi storage limit 10% of non-resi area 6) non-resi can only occur on 1st floor 7) non-resi can be up to 50% max total area 8) spiral stairs & vert openings allowed 9) no separations req.'d inside live-work unit, but btwn others as fire partitions 10) walls btwn differing occ. must be rated 11) separation req.'s apply to horiz. assemblies btwn stacked units
HEALTH CARE CLINICS 1) are classified as B occ. w/ 2 categories: ambulatory care facilities & outpatient clinics 2) outpatient clinics = provide medical (less than 24hr) care to individuals who aren't rendered incapable of self-preservation in emergency (even if disabled) 3) ambulatory care facilities = provide medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing, sim care (less than 24hr basis) to individuals who are rendered incapable of self-preservation (b/c ppl may be unconscious or semi-conscious for part of stay)
AMBULATORY CARE FACILITIES 1) for those greater than 10,000sf to be sub-d by smoke barriers into space </= 22,500sf 2) travel distance from any pt in smoke compartment to smoke-barrier dr not to exceed 200ft 3) fire safety evacuation plans shall provide bldg components necessary to defend-in-place emergency response in smoke compartments 4) if smoke barrier req.'d - min 30 net sf /care recipient to be provided as refuge area on ea. side of smoke barrier 5) additional sprinkler/fire alarm & detection req.'s depending on # of & if patients not capable of self-preservation


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