Problem Seeking


general summary
Kara Biczykowski
FlashCards por Kara Biczykowski, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kara Biczykowski
Criado por Kara Biczykowski mais de 3 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
1-5) programming concerns 5 steps 1) establish goals 2) collect & analyze facts 3) uncover & test concepts 4) determine needs 5) state the problem
1-4) 4 considerations (design determinants) that indicate the types of info needed to define a comprehensive architectural problem: 1) function 2) form 3) economy 4) time
1) the main idea behind programming is: 2) if programming is problem seeking, design is: 3) qualifications of programmers must be: 4) ^ vs qualifications of designers are: 1) the search for sufficient info to clarify, understand, & state the problem 2) problem solving 3) objective & analytical, at ease w/ abstract ideas, able to evaluate info & identify important factors while postponing irrelevant material = analysis 4) subjective, intuitive, facile w/ physical concepts = synthesis
1) the difference btwn programming & design is: 2) there should be a (___) btwn programming & design 3) stating the problem (the last step in problem seeking/programming) is also: 1) the difference btwn analysis & synthesis 2) distinct separation 3) the 1st step in problem solving/design = the interface btwn the two
1) 1-3 establish goals, collect & analyze facts, uncover & test concepts are primarily: 2) 4 - determine needs primarily is a: 3) 5 - state the problem primarily is: 4) of the 5 steps which are qualitative vs quantitative? 1) a search for pertinent information 2) 4 - is a feasibility test 3) distilling what has been found 4) goals, concepts, & the problem statement are qualitative while facts & needs are quantitative
5 STEPS POSE QUESTIONS: 1) GOALS - what does the client want to achieve/ why? 2) FACTS - what do we know, what is given? 3) CONCEPTS - how does the client want to achieve the goals? 4) NEEDS - how much $$ & space, what level of quality? 5) PROBLEM - what are the significant conditions affecting the design of the bldg, what are the gen. directions the design should take?
1) in practice usually working on which steps simultaneously may be necessary? 2) it's important to search for & define the WHOLE PROBLEM & must be identified in terms of: 1) steps 1-4 & only then 5 w/ all info available 2) function / form / economy / time
1) "function" concerns itself with: 2) "form" relates to the: 3) "economy" concerns the: 4)"time" has 3 classifications of past, present, future which deal with: 1) people (# & characteristics), activities, relationships (of spaces) 2) site, enviro, quality - what you see & feel, what is there now & will be there 3) initial budget, operating costs, life cycle costs 4) influence of history, inevitability of changes, projections into the future
1) programming is a two-phase process related to the: 2) schematic design depends on: 3) design development is the: 1) two-phases of design - schematic design & design development 2) major concepts & needs, the factors that will shape the broad composition of the bldg 3) detailed development of schematic design
1) one trick to avoid "data clog" aka an overload of too much info/facts is by: 2) one can assimilate any amt of info as long as it is: 3) programming is heuristic b/c: 1) knowing when the info will be most useful - in schematic design or design development 2) pertinent, meaningful, & well organized for effective use 3) steps are not rigorously sequential, info is hardly ever precise or complete
1) programmers must think in terms of: 2) teams are best when made up of both (___) & (___) types of thinkers: 3) often programming begins w/ complexity & goal is to simplify problems down to their essence, but oversimplification can happen when: 1) objectivity - realistic view of facts w/out distortion, clear rational statements of the problem 2) holistic & atomistic ("in the details") thinkers (holistic does have certain advg's although not necessary) 3) the tendency to concentrate on a single aspect of a problem to the exclusion of all complicating factors occurs & endangers design quality
1) good programming is characterized by timely & sound decision making by: 2) programmers must emphasize: 3) programmers must identify for clients those decisions that need: 4) every decision the client makes during programming: 1) the client, not the programmer 2) the client's decisions & not their own 3) to be made prior to design 4) simplifies the design problem by reducing the number of alt design solutions to meet the program req.'s
1) when a client postpones decisions, design solutions: 2) if a client cannot decide on how much $$ to spend until seeing the design: 3) to achieve effective, clear communication btwn the team: 1) tend to be unfeasible 2) the design solution will exceed the extend of funds available & increase alt designs exponentially 3) information collected must be carefully documented, undoc. info isn't likely to be considered & evaluated by the client & designer
1) project goals indicate: 2) if goals indicated what the client wants to achieve, (___) indicate how the client wants to achieve them 3) don't mix problems & solutions of different kinds, ex a social problem calls for: 1) what the client wants to achieve & why 2) concepts 3) a social solution, you cannot solve this w/ an architectural solution
1) programmatic concepts refer to abstract ideas intended as functional solutions to: 2) design concepts refer to concrete ideas intended as physical solutions to: 3) programmatic concepts relate to: 4) "convertibility" is programmatic &: 1) clients' performance problems w/out regard to the physical response 2) clients' architectural problems 3) performance problems & design concepts to arch. problems 4) folding door is the corresponding design concept
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 1) PRIORITY - evokes questions regarding the order of importance/ ranking of values 2) HIERARCHY - related to goal about the exercise of authority & is expressed in symbols of authority - ex office size 3) CHARACTER - goal concerning the image the client wants to project in terms of values & generic nature of project 4) DENSITY - goal for efficient land/space use, high degrees of interaction, to respond to harsh climatic conditions
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 5) SERVICE GROUPING - centralized or decentralized, evaluate gains/risks, final location should implement a specific goal 6) ACTIVITY GROUPING - integrated or compartmentalized, closely related activities needing interaction vs degrees of privacy/security needed 7) PEOPLE GROUPING - look for concepts derived from the physical, social, emotional characteristics of ppl - need for individuals, small groups, large groups 8) HOME BASE - related to territoriality - an easily defined place where a person can maintain his or her individuality
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 9) RELATIONSHIPS - the correct interrelation of spaces promotes efficiencies & effectiveness of ppl & their activities, "functional affinities" is the most common programmatic concept 10) COMMUNICATIONS - to promote effective exchange of info/ideas may call for networks or patterns of comm. 11) NEIGHBORS - will the project be completely independent or is there mutual desire to be interdependent 12) ACCESSIBILITY - can 1st time visitors find entrance, handicapped provisions, single/ multi entrances
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 13) SEPARATED FLOW - goal for segregation may relate to ppl, to cars, to ppl & cars circulation w/ one another 14) MIXED FLOW - common social spaces like town sq/bldg lobby for multidirection/purpose interaction 15) SEQUENTIAL FLOW - the progression of ppl (ex museum) or things (factory) must be carefully planned 16) ORIENTATION - provide a bearing/ pt of reference in a place to prevent a feeling of being lost
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 17) FLEXIBILITY - expansibility, convertibility, & versatility 18) TOLERANCE - concept may add space to program, is it a particular space tailored for a static activity, a loose fit for a dynamic activity? 19) SAFETY - which major ideas will implement the goal for life safety, refer to codes & safety precautions 20) SECURITY CTRLS - degree varies depending on potential loss, used to protect property & guide personnel movement
24 UNIVERSAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 21) ENERGY CONSERVATION - A) keep heated area to a min / B) keep heat-flow to a min both via passive design 22) ENVIRO CTRLS - what ctrls for air temp, light, sound will be req.'d to provide for ppl comfort inside & outside - climate/sun analysis needed 23) PHASING - will it be req.'d for const. to complete project on a time-&-cost sch. if it was infeasible in initial analysis, or is urgency for occ. date determining need for concurrent sch or linear sch 24) COST CTRL - search for economy ideas that lead to realistic preview of costs & a balanced budget to meet extend of available funds
1) distinguishing needs from: 2) step 4 (determining needs) is an economic feasibility test to see if a budget: 3) the best balance is achieved when all 4 elements are negotiable to some extent: 1) wants is important w/ the client 2) can be determined, or a fixed one balanced 3) space of req.'s, quality of const., money budget, time (at least 1 must be negotiable for success)
1) a client's functional needs have a direct bearing on: 2) ^allowance must be made for reasonable bldg efficiency expressed by: 3) proposed quality of const. is expressed: 4) a realistic escalation factor must be included to cover the time: 1) space req.'s generated by ppl & activities 2) net areas to gross areas 3) in quantitative terms as cost per sq ft 4) lag btwn programming & mid-const.
1-3) phasing of const. may be considered as an alternative when: 4) cost ctrl begins with: 5) first-phase programming for schematic design req.'s (___) & second-phase programming for design develop. req.'s: 1) the initial budget is limited 2) funds are available over a period of time 3) functional needs are expected to grow 4) programming 5) schematic cost estimates / more detailed estimates = as project advances, possible to update & rebalance budget estimate
1) it's imperative to est. a realistic budget when? b/c it is: 2) where does the architect derive predictive parameters? 3-5) the budget depends on 3 realistic predictions: 1) from the very beginning b/c they're predictive & comprehensive 2) past experience & published mat. 3) reasonable efficiency ratio of net to gross area 4) cost per sq ft escalated to mid-const. 5) other expenditures as percentage of bldg cost
1) solution to ex scenario when a trial-run cost estimate analysis results in a total budget amt req.'d alrger than the extent of client's available funds: 1) b/c client cannot afford total cost, & if budget is fixed for a specific time, only 2 other factors can change: - cost per sq ft & gross area = quality of const. or amt of space or both must be reduced
COST ESTIMATE ANALYSIS A) bldg costs (#SF at $$/GSF - multiply) B) fixed equipment (8% of A) C) site development (15% of A) D) total const. (A + B + C) E) site acquisition /demo (fixed cost given) F) moveable equip (8% of A) G) professional fees (6% of D) H) contingencies (10% of D) J) Admin costs (1% of D) K) total budget req.'d (D + E through J) *see pg 91
1) after evaluating info for a project, programmers & designers must: 2) ^ a min of 4 statements concerning the 4 major considerations of: 3) rarely there should be more than (___) statements otherwise the problem is still: 1) write down the most salient statements regarding the problem 2) function, form, economy, & time covering the functional program, the site, the budget, & implications of time 3) 10 statements / problem is too complex
1) while each condition for design must be precisely stated, the direction of what should be done should be: 2) this direction should be made in terms of performance, to not: 1) ambiguous enough to prevent the feeling of being locked into one solution 2) close out alt solutions or different expressions in arch. form
-to reinforce the concept of Architecture by Team Action 1) Principle of Product - a product has a better chance for success if during design process: 2) Principle of Process - every task req.'s 3 kinds of thinking related to disciplines of arch. practice: 1) the 4 major considerations of function, form, economy, time are regarded simultaneously 2) management, design, & building technology - teamwork being the overlap
-expanding on 2 principles of team action, these principles are foundations of problem-seeking 1) Principle of Client Involvement: 2) Principle of Effective Communication: 3) Principle of Comprehensive Analysis: 1) client is a participating member of the project team, makes most decisions at programming 2) clients/designers req. graphic analysis to understand the magnitude of #'s & implication of ideas 3) factors that influence design can be classified in simple framework of 5 steps & 4 considerations
4) Principle of Bare Essentials: 5) Principle of Abstract Thinking: 4) programming req.'s abstracting only the major aspects of info 5) programmatic concepts are the abstract ideas intended to be operational solutions to clients' performance problems w/out regard to physical design response
6) Principle of Distinct Separation: 7) Principle of Efficient Operation: 6) recognizes programming (analysis) & design (synthesis) as 2 different processes & different ways of thinking 7) programming team req.'s good project mgmt, clear roles & responsibilities, a common language, & standard procedures
8) Principle of Qualitative Information: 9) Principle of Quantitative Information: 10) Principle of Definite Closure: 8) req.'s of proposed bldg include clients' goals (what's to be achieved) & concepts (how it's to be achieved) 9) certain project facts are needs & #'s - # of ppl/things generate area/cost #'s & lead to a balanced budget/cost ctrl 10) programming is process leading to explicit statement of arch. problem - resolving complexity to simple statement
1-6) traditional problem solving steps: *compare w/ 5 problem-seeking steps 1) definition of the problem 2) establishment of objectives 3) collection of data 4) analysis of the problem 5) consideration of solutions 6) solution of the problem
1-6) "total project delivery system" 1) programming (P) 2) schematic design (SD) 3) design development (DD) 4) construction documents (CD) 5) bidding 6) construction
1-3) "total design process" 1) programming *note separate from SD 2) schematic design 3) design development
1) "schematic design" is the interpretation of the owner's project req.'s by studies/dwgs that illustrate: 1) basic arch. concepts, space req.'s & relationships, primary circulation, scale, massing, use of site, gen. appearance, scope of project, statement of adequacy of stipulated project budget
1) "design development" follows approval of SD & includes: 2) "construction documents" transforms approved DD package into: 1) determination, design, & coordination of arch., structural, mech, & elec systems; equip. layouts; all related site development 2) set of detailed, legal bidding docs that relate to const. industry; ctrl & direct const. process via const. dwgs & detail mat.'s & bldg systems spec's
GOALS VS OBJECTIVES (general vs the specific) 1) ex goal: to serve as many students from the state of Texas as possible; objective = 2) to promote academic efficiency; objective= 1) to increase enrollment by the amt of 1,000 students per year 2) to reduce student travel time btwn classes
1) purpose of determining a total area for a bldg program is to: 2) "bldg gross area" is the: 3) "unassigned areas" consist of typ: 4) "tare area" is the: 1) predict the size of a new bldg & to provide a sound basis for estimating the budget for bldg const. 2) sum of the net assignable & unassigned areas 3) circulation areas, mech areas, toilets, janitor closets, storage, walls, partitions 4) remainder after net assignable area is subtracted from the gross bldg area
Unassigned Area Ratio to Bldg Gross Area 1) circulation 2) mechanical 3) walls, partitions, structure 4) public toilets 5) janitor closets 6) unassigned storage 1) 16% - 30% 2) 5% - 8% 3) 7% - 9% 4) 1.5% - 2% 5) 0.2% - 0.5% 6) 0.3% - 0.5% * of unassigned area range (30% - 50%)
1) net assignable area includes: 2) net assignable area excludes: 3) measure to the inside face of (___), to finished surface of walls surrounding (___), center of partitions separating: 1) interior walls, bldg columns, projections 2) exterior walls, major vert. penetrations, bldg core & service areas, primary & secondary circulation 3) exterior bldg walls / major vert. penetrations, bldg core, service areas / adjoining net assignable areas & secondary circulation spaces
1) useable area includes: 2) useable area excludes: 3) measure to: 1) net assignable areas of interior walls, bldg columns, projections 2) exterior walls, major vert. penetrations, bldg core & service areas, primary circulation 3) basically same as net assignable
1) rentable area includes: 2) rentable area excludes: 3) measure to: 1) useable area, bldg core & service areas, & primary circulation 2) major vert. floor penetrations like elevator shafts & stairs (terms may vary according to terms of lease) 3) inside surface of exterior walls, excluding vert. penetrations in floor, include columns & bldg projections
1) bldg gross area includes: 2) measure to: 1) floor area enclosed by envelope including basements, penthouses, mezzanines 2) outside face of exterior walls (even at basement), disregarding cornices, pilasters, buttresses extending beyond wall face
BLDG EFFICIENCY FACTORS 1) interior layout efficiency X base bldg efficiency = overall bldg efficiency 2) net assignable area / overall efficiency = bldg gross area 1) typ all bldg types except warehouse have a base bldg efficiency of 0.80 2) commonly used for public & educational bldg design applications
BLDG EFFICIENCY FACTORS 3) useable area / base bldg efficiency = bldg gross area 4)net assignable area / layout efficiency = useable area 5) rentable area / R/U ratio = useable area 3) commonly used for commercial bldg design applications 4) commonly used for interior design applications 5) commonly used to calculate rentable area for lease agreements or financial analysis - R/U ratio also called "loss factor"


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